n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
Teddie Blake
The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Mathilde the Guild
Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
If you have ever wanted to visit Italy's incredible Castellana Grotto, here is your chance to see the caverns. This gorgeous cave was discovered January 23, 1938, by Franco Anelli and Vito Matarrese. The photography of the Grotto is spectacular. Unfortunately the movie "Alien 2" is not so spectacular. It opens with stock astronaut splash down film footage, moves on to a bowling alley, then a beach, and finally the cave. Blue rocks that somehow turn into sock puppets are the "Aliens" that attack the group of spelunkers. Like I said, if you want to see the caverns, this is your movie. Simply ignore the ridiculous, boring story. - MERK
I have been trying to see this film for years as I love to watch old obscure horror films. They do not have to be good or considered classic for me to hunt them down, I just enjoy watching them whether they be good, bad or ugly. Upon finally seeing this one, I have to say it has some things going for it, but overall it is a bit slow and underdone. The film at the beginning talks about this space pod returning to earth, we have an interview with the star female of the piece where we learn she is apparently psychic. She then heads to the ocean where she meets this guy who I have no clue who he is or what his purpose other than to introduce us to the fact that our heroine suffers from fears of monsters. We are soon treated to a scene with a mother and small girl that ends very nicely in one of the few good scenes of the movie. She then goes to the bowling alley to meet up with her fellow spelunkers and they proceed to have a long drawn out drive. They end up at a little place where outside one of the group finds a beautiful rock he just has to pick up. They finally make it to the cave where we get the privilege of seeing every member of the group repel down a line in the dark with their headlamp shining. They then pitch tents in the cave, which silly me, I figure all one really needs in a cave is a sleeping bag. Finally, after more cavorting in the cave the alien attacks and general mayhem ensues. Well not really, we are treated to every second of a rescue then a slow moving camera going across a body of a female and then some more cool stuff happens followed by another long stretch of nothing. You can see the problem, I am afraid the makers of this film were so enthralled with the cave that they forgot multiple times that they were supposed to be making an alien horror movie. There is some potential in this one, as there is a great kill involving a guy losing his head, also a nice attack on a couple as the cave seems to be alive. All the on screen kills are pretty good, just to much padding. The finale is particularly weak as we do not get to see any more cool deaths only a woman running from a point of view monster that at one point looked as if the monster was running from her. The makers of this film really did not seem to have a vision on what they wanted their monster to look like. Suffice to say at its best it looked like snakes, at worst hosepipe. More cool deaths, a faster moving story would have helped here immensely as would have a more climatic ending. Seriously, they showed nothing at the end to make the end cool. So just a bit of a bore for the most part with some very nice death scenes scattered here and there and a very nice topless shot of the lead girl. And you find out the best way out of a cave too, it is apparently to run fast, then in slow motion all at the same time to the point the fast you far surpasses the slow motion you.
A lot has been written and said about Alien 2. The unauthorized follow up of Alien. I watched it years ago and just could remember the falling head attacked by an alien. So I watched it again. But my only concern was to catch the uncut version, English language. A lot has been said about the running time too. I have seen versions that goes up to 100 minutes, here on IMDb and other sites they say 92 minutes but when you catch a seller of Alien 2 it's always 82 minutes long. So I did catch me the 82 full uncut version as said on the cover. The full uncut should contain the falling head, the exploding head and the head sucking. There is also a nudity scene taking place, my copy was intact. All I can tell is that it is a slow starter. A lot of blah blah and a lot of bowling scenes. When they finally descent the gore starts. But again in a slow way. Everybody hates this movie, strange, it is also one of the most searched OOP's due to the falling head. I have seen worser but don't expect a follow up of the original Alien, the budget is way to low for that. So it goes on and on, all those horrorgeeks will once in their live being caught by this flick. As said on the end credits, you could be next...
HOW did Kevin M Gates, who wrote the opening critique here NOT win the Pulitzer Prize in 1999 for his "essay" on this eminently forgettable ALIEN rip-off. How did he WRITE so many words I want to know? How long does it take to scribble "puerile rubbish?" And yet...he's right the flick is so bad its almost fascinating.Here in Australia, I bought a BETA copy of this flick in 1986. It still plays unfortunately! (on the only one of five BETA machines we have that still work) Here, it was simply titled ALIEN 2 and long before the IMdb came into existence I used to win a fortune from friends betting them that there WAS a film called ALIEN 2. After I'd scooped the cash up, I'd play the flick and laugh in their faces!Cute touch that....."Directed by Sam Cromwell" sounds major league Hollywood. Cromwell it turns out is Ciro Ippolito...just a few rungs below Ridley Scott!Anyway, I digress. Read Kevin Gates' plot summary and you'll have some idea (not much) what to expect. As he says, the special effects consist of whatever offal was left at the abattoir the day they were filming. Ah, Belinda Mayne, still I dream of you!