PG | 18 August 1998 (USA)
Airspeed Trailers

When wealthy executive Raymond Stone sends out his private plane to pick up his spoiled teenage daughter, Nicole, and a pair of his top-ranking employees, disaster strikes. While the jet flies through an electrical storm, the pilot and other passengers are incapacitated, and Nicole is left on her own to keep the plane in the air, guided by an air traffic controller. Can the irresponsible and panic-stricken teen find a way to land the jet?

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Steineded How sad is this?
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
rowen6 Joe must have needed money for a new car or something.....this by far was the worst movie I ever watched....acting was terrible, writing was so bad.....technical plot was joke.....the child actor was so bad.......the control tower scenes were a Joke....The plane landing without flaps would have been coming in around 3-400 mph......there would have been a ball of fire.......god was this bad. How this got 3 1/2 starts is any body's guess......On top of everything else....a 727 only has three engines.....most of the movie showed a 707.....the producer and director ought to be shot.....who was the technical adviser.....he must fly Cesna 150's......other blooper was the only plane that could have made the transfer is a C-130 with rear cargo door....and the aircraft pictured in the movie didn't resemble it at all......Geez my intelligence has been so insulted.
MacProTX The spoiler in this review (and in the movie), is that the little girl lands a 727 and saves herself and the day.This may not be the worst movie I have ever seen, but with confidence, it is in my bottom three. Understand that I love this genre beyond all reason, and never fail to root for the hero/heroine of the Our Pilots Are Dead or Disabled, Can Any of You Passengers Land This Plane movies. And goodness knows, I've watched some stinkeroos. But my goodness, never before have I rooted against the happy ending so aggressively! Please, please let her be sucked out the hole in the fuselage! Or have her neck broken by flying debris! Or let her simply die of hypoxia, since she's too stupid to make a connection between the oxygen bottle she's playing with and consciousness at 35,0000 feet!! When nonesuch come to pass, then I will settle for the smoldering wreckage of the devastating fireball in which the movie (and all aboard the doomed flight) should have ended.I won't even discuss the realities of aviation, (nor insist on compliance with basic laws of physics), but who can possibly find drama in this dreck? Never mind Capt. Sully's extraordinary competence (encapsulated completely in the word "unable"), let's celebrate the true heroics of civilian aviation. If a writer cannot find drama in the single finest piece of emergency civilian flying ever (with full credit to Captain Haynes and F.O. Records), then this crap is all we'll ever be left with. (Haven't seen "Crash Landing: The Rescue of Flight 232," but I'll be looking.) They saved 185 lives which should have been lost; this movie saves one thirteen-year-old who's personality would have been improved by an early demise.If you like the genre, and want civilians saving the day, seek out "Terror in the Sky," and leave this one to the sub-teenagers for whom it may have been written, but who are also much smarter than the writers.Oh, great Joe Mantegna of Things Change and Searching for Bobby Fischer, how could you have led me here?
amandakaren4 I have seen airspeed several times and I think the movie is absolutely excellent. It shows the courage and selflessness of a girl that in the end saves several friends and family. The film kept me on the edge of my seat and I loved it.The fact that a young girl almost single-handedly flew a plane to safety is tremendous and the help she got from her rock - a guy who works at the airport was truly life saving.The movie is filled with tension, belief, love, selflessness, courage and bravery.I recommend anyone who has not seen the film to watch it" :~)
vickie Anyfilm that bears the unfortunate status of being able to make a seven year old guess the ending should be burned. That is why I am so mistified as too why this balding slice of turgid nonsense is still being sold in video shops. I sat down with my dad and my brother about five years ago, I was twelve and my brother was seven. they spent the main bulk of the film trying to figure out how to put a hole in the side of the plane so that they could get the girl out or something(I can't remember exactly) It took a while for someone to already realise that the reason that the plane was in trouble oin the first place was that there was a hole in the plane. The traffic controller then said to the dad( who pointed out the obvious) Now I know why you're the million dollar man. In that case we should all be billionaires! "You have too destroy the auto pilot" "But how" "It's quite complicated I will give you instructions" (About twenty minutes later) "Wait I have an idea"(smashes it with a base ball bat.WELL DUH!!!!!!!!! The worst action thriller(if you can call it that) that I have ever seen