PG | 17 September 1993 (USA)
Airborne Trailers

Good-natured teen surfer Mitchell Goosen finds himself staying with his aunt and uncle in Cincinnati, Ohio when his parents head to Australia for work. There he meets his cousin, Wiley, and together they try to navigate the perils of high school—avoid the bullies, get the girl, and win a little respect.

HeadlinesExotic Boring
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
gsanders1-1 This is about a new kind in a different element that don't fit in.this move is about rollerblading.they have done movies on surfing and skateboarding now they did one on rollerblading.Mitchell Goosen played by Shane Mcdermott is a teenager that lives for surfing and surfs everyday in California then his parents have to go to Australia and he cant go since it's during the school year so he has to stay with his cousin in Cincinatti where there is no ocean.he's sad but when he get's off the plane it's snowing and his cousin's family pick him up and they say basically about the surfboard there are not many places to use that here,he say's I feel naked without his cousin Wiley played by Seth Green thinks he's cool and the town is all about hockey.Mitchell goes to a new school and the girls fall for him and the boys don't like him.He don't fit in,in there small town, he meets a girl that he likes it just happens to be the sister of the school they play hockey against the preps then in the end there is a skate contest down the biggest hill in town called devil's backbone,between the preps and the losers,Jack Black in one of his first movies is funny and has funny lines.It's a great comedy and entertaining, teens will enjoy it especially the skating.I know I did when I watched it when it came out and me and my friends got into rollerblade's for awhile.
Tomas Billflipper Although certainly the writer of this film owes much of his inspiration to Steinbeck and Depression-era authors, it has more than enough substance to stand on its own. In hindsight, Airborne is more than just a high-flyin' roller-blading epic—it is a depiction of the culture wars that exist in our society today. Mitchell represents the coastal "corporate" American coming to the Midwest to pillage its' resources (in this case Cincinnati's finest ladies). Augie is the repressed commoner, perhaps a factory worker, who resents Mitchell at first because of his pedigree and obvious social graces. Wiley is the guy who is striving to make it out his internal strife anyway he can, and shrouds his blatant homosexuality in clever retorts and hooded sweatshirts. Jack is obviously the old farmer, who has seen it all in his day and now is bitter that time is no longer his friend.However, the "Preps" represent something far more imposing than anything Mitchell brings to the table. They obviously represent Communism. If the Cold War taught us anything, it is that Communism can only be contained by a roller-skating race through Cincinnati that ends at the birthplace of democracy, Riverfront Stadium. No wonder Jack Black jumped at the chance to make this ambitious film. The subtle nuances of this cultured classic cannot fully be appreciated in two or three sittings. Nay, the marrow of this film must be sucked dry before you can truly see the vision behind this movie. Step aside Shakespeare...
blackhawk9 I thought this movie was one of the best movies ever filmed in the early 90's. Reason for this is because I feel it's about learning to deal with change. Change is all around us, and even when you feel like your life is out of control, there are still things around you in your environment that you can utilize to adjust whatever strange bounces life throws your way. Plus, I absolutely loved the rollerblading scenes. The story was great, the characters real and believable, the locations chosen all of it was a real masterpiece. Personally, I would really enjoy an Airborne sequel, which I feel would re-enhance rollerblading and outdoor activities. My only regret for this film is that since I love to rollerblade, I wish there were more rollerblading scenes in the movie. I give this movie a 9 out of a possible 10.
fahrmeier Forget the fact that this movie is your typical 1990's pre-teen romantic comedy, forget the fact that the movie is dull and really has no plot. The real problem is the movie doesn't make much geographic sense. This picture makes Cincinnati appear as if it is Winnepeg. Yes, Cincinnati has 2 hockey teams (one at the time this movie was made), however I would not consider it a hockey town where kids play hockey during their free time. Perhaps the reason there only seems to be two teams who ever play hockey during the movie is because they are the only 10 kids in the city who do play it.Further more, the choice of Edie McClure as the aunt was annoying. I loved her as Grace the secretary in Ferris Beuller, however she is known for her distinctive Minnesotan Accent....Minnesotan, not Ohioan. It's like having a movie that takes place in North Carolina and Joe Pesci doing his Goodfellas schtick.Lastly, during the final climactic race scene, the kids take roads in the city that do not interconnect and actually end up on opposite sides of this 20 something mile wide city in a matter of seconds, and even end up in Kentucky without going across one bridge.These problems probably wouldn't bother the normal viewer (the other 1000 holes will do that just fine.) However anyone who has spent any signicant time in Cincinnati will be left scratching their heads asking themselves "How the heck did they end up there?"