Ski School
Ski School
R | 11 January 1991 (USA)
Ski School Trailers

Rival groups in a skiing school do battle on and off the piste. One gang are rich and serious, the other group are party animals.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
jadavix "Ski School" is surely one of the better teen comedies of its genre. This is not saying much, I know: you could watch a hundred of these movies and not laugh even once, so their value as comedies is nil, and despite their designation as "boob comedies", "teen sex flicks", "t'n a fests", whatever you want to call them, they actually tend to be really light on the sex and nudity.What puts "Ski School" a cut above the average is that it's actually entertaining. It benefits from the charisma of Dean Cameron, a man whose eyebrows you surely remember if you've ever seen him in a movie. It is the old rich kids vs. the party animals set up, with the action taking place on a ski slope. I've seen this before with water skiers (Meatballs 4), white water rafters (Up the Creek), video game arcades (Joysticks (ugh)), diving (Back to School), and, uh, skiing (Hot Dog: The Movie).In probably all of these movies the heroes battle it out in their respective leisure activity with rich, serious, smarmy guys who seem to always have blonde hair. Do movies associate blondness with money, or just arrogance?So you see, setting the action on a ski slope was hardly original. What is something different, though, is that the movie actually generates a sense of excitement in the final scenes. You know who's going to win, obviously, but I wasn't bored watching. As a matter of fact, the movie is never boring, and that is enough to elevate it above 99% of teen sex comedies.
gnick88 Ski School focuses on the party crazy, fun loving, ski students of the supposedly infamous "Section 8" of a ski camp of some sort. The very premise of the movie is extremely bizarre. Who goes to ski school? Who takes skiing this seriously? The party skiers clearly don't care about skiing, so why do they spend money to go to ski school? Why are the school's instructors such jerks to the dudes they're supposed to be teaching? Why are there 26 year olds going to ski school, shouldn't they have a job or something? These are all questions I thought, and are completely unanswerable in any mental capacity. Thankfully, the movie contains some purely excellent dialogue to make up for any plot shortcomings. There are some true pearls of wisdom to be gleaned from this film, such as, "It's not about how far you go, it's about how go you far", and "to succeed, you have to lose your mind". I'm pretty sure that's exactly what Tom Brady tells his huddles before he leads game winning drives. Some highlights: The "competition" at the end of the movie comes out of nowhere and it becomes painfully obvious that the no-talent-ass-clown writers of this great movie had no idea where it was going and basically took out a how to guide on how to write endings to horrible straight-to-DVD releases, you suffer through obvious stock footage of god knows what kind of ski events and the scoring of the events is definitely not based on anything whatsoever (besides, perhaps, how much neon you fit on you team uniform). Another highlight is related to the stock footage which they just abuse during this film....count how many times you see this tower advertising "Rossignol" snowboards (only the finest companies wanted to put their name in this film), I counted 53. The biggest sponser of the movie, Labatt Blue (I was shocked it wasn't Natty Light), provides the highlight of the film for me. At the "climax" of the movie, Section 8 shows up to the final "race" with a bunch of half naked bitties and a bunch of Labatt Blue (true bro-style) and just starts ragin on the mountain before they ski (obviously in good ol' the days before Sonny Bono ruined it for us all, i mean seriously the whole movie you see people skiing WHILE drinking, I'm talking beer in hand, it looks incredible). To accomplish this amount of large-scale raging, they send a sled FILLED with cases of delicious Labatt Blue down the hill...I think I shed a single tear at the glory of this scene.
SanFernandoCurt There are great tragedies of our time. 9/11. Darfur. All of the dozens of blood-drenched conflicts raging globally at any given time. Even... the death of Barbaro.And then there's the fact that this movie rated a sequel. Almost too horrifying to contemplate, but true. "Ski School 2" reunited the cast of this stinker.Why, Lord? Why? Imagine being locked in a tiny closet with a loud, drunken, sweating fat man convinced he's God's gift to comedy, that anything he says is funny. And farts? A laugh riot! If you can picture this ... save your money... you've already been drenched in the full, sticky "Ski School" experience.The lead actors - especially Fratkin and Cameron - are absolutely charmless, almost dementedly unfunny. They're as cheery as polio. But the director of "Ski School" apparently thinks they're the funniest, most endearing rascals this side of "Animal House". The women in this film are there simply to look adoringly at these jackasses and drop their bras. That's it. No personality. Barely able to make intelligible vocal sounds. This is how women are imagined by guys spawned at the bottom of high-school hierarchy - the ones who never got dates and could only imagine what "cool" attractiveness could possibly mean..."Ski School" has no temperature. I can't conceive of seeing the sequel. But then, I don't like to imagine falling into a wood chipper, either.
jackson_km13 I love this movie and I think dean Cameron doesnt get enough respect for his acting hes funny as hell. I totally agree this is an awesome ski movie but as far as the best Id have to go with HOT DOG. But still a great movie part one and two