PG | 09 February 1979 (USA)
Agatha Trailers

England, 1926. An American journalist looks for mystery writer Agatha Christie when she suddenly disappears without explanation, leaving no trace.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Kirpianuscus who could be discovered as embroidery of speculations. or as coherent explanation of an obscure moment of life . but its virtue is the meet between Vanessa Redgrave and Dustin Hoffmann. and the atmosphere. and, in same measure, the story who has the gift to be reflection of a period more than reflection of a life. this is the key of film - status of woman, need to escape from pressure, desire to become anonymous, the impossible love who could be a second chance and the drops of great literature from Emma Bovary to Anna Karenina. a beautiful film and impressive performances. and the flavor of a lost time. using the figure of Agatha Christie as pretext.
runamokprods Wonderfully clever, and extremely well acted by Dustin Hoffman, Vanessa Redgrave. It's the imaginary tale of what happened during a real-life never explained 11 day disappearance of mystery writer Agatha Christie. Hoffman and Redgrave make a wonderful, quirky pair of almost lovers. Fun, smart, and quite touching, with gorgeous photography by Vittorio Stoaro.Finally available on DVD as part of the WB made to order line. So it's pricey, with no extras, and burned to DVD-R, so it may likely last less long than a regular DVD. Still, it's a terrific film, well worth picking up.
Lee Eisenberg Until I saw "Agatha", I had never even heard of the story of Agatha Christie disappearing - or hiding - in 1926. The movie offers a possibility of what might have happened, portraying the author (Vanessa Redgrave) secretly checking into a health spa under a false name, while detective Wally Stanton (Dustin Hoffman) investigates.I will admit that this movie is nothing special. If anything, it's sort of just a way to pass time. But it is interesting not only learning about this part of history, but seeing this speculation of what might have happened (the movie reminds us that this is only speculation). The only other cast member whom I recognized was Timothy Dalton as Agatha's husband Archibald. Not a masterpiece by any stretch, but worth seeing nevertheless.
Movie_Man 500 Well photographed, carefully edited film, swimming in supposition. Almost quietly performed. Overall sense of loss and heartache gives further readings into Christie's books a tinged sense of sadness. Mannered but sympathetic acting by the 2 strong leads, balance well off the 2 sort of "villians": the snobby mistress and the caddish husband, played with icy detachment by the future and all too brief James Bond. The stunning visuals look especially nice on a large screen.