R | 27 June 2006 (USA)
After... Trailers

Urban Exploration. The practice of investigating areas not designed for public use. But strange things can happen in the dark, closed-off areas of history beneath the streets of Moscow, and what started as a way for Nate to escape his grief quickly turns into a journey that forces him to confront it head-on, with nothing less than his eternal destiny hanging in the balance.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
revbighig I only recall one review where the kidnapping element was mentioned. The Russian woman in the park was both the suspect and the reason for the whole haunted "trip to Russia" during his parachute-less suicide. And a song with several versions bearing the title "Hellbound Train" pretty well sums up his final ride. Our Judeo-Christian culture has always taught that suicide is the ultimate slap in the face to God, and deserving of eternal punishment. He took his own life, and left his pregnant girlfriend behind and alone to raise his child. He was the lead character, but far from a hero. This is not sci-fi or horror, but almost a morality play with special effects. A weird but nifty combo.
manastash i may have to watch it a few times to get it but ..other than trying to watch it during the dark tunnel scenes.. its pleasing to the eye and the dialog doesn't make me wanna puke and the music is great! I could actually feel dads grief. i am kinda confused about the ending but i am still trying to muddle thru realty and whatever was going on elsewhere.So all in all give this movie a chance.. maybe have a shot of tequila to keep you company and just enjoy the visual effects and the movie and maybe in a dream it will all come together for you. I did watch it on an HD 70 inch LCD so i think that helped a little and i paused it when i was confused.. which was quite a few times.
George Baxter SPOILER IN HERE! The movie has lots of shaky cam,Blair Witch stile(hated that movie also)and I found myself trying to figure out whats going on, only to find there just lousy film makers. And for the people that complained that is was a short movie, it seemed like for ever to me!About half way through I figured it out. Things do not just disappear in star trek transporter fashion and walls do not move. This all must be in his mind. Yep I was right! He died jumping off and the hole Moscow thing was in his mind on the way down. Get it now? This was a total waste of my time and $1,000,000 of the people who put there money into it. At times you think maybe there is some story here, the ruskies are up to something. But no it's just stupid, no plot, but he's messed up in the head. I just watched it what was it called again? It was that good.
Jon Doe I can see why this movie flew over so many peoples heads. You have a lot of people that actually believe this film is about Urban Exploration and are mad that they didn't get it. Its about exploration alright, but if anything self exploration.I'll be the first to admit this movie does require the utmost attention or you will get lost quick. This isn't really a watch with friends type movie. It starts with some Urban Exploration and quickly morphs into strange dreamlike sequences. I am not going to spoil it so all I can say is if you have a really good attention span and like surreal horror/adventure movies then give it a shot.This movie also has a strong re-watchability factor. I have seen it 3 times and know there are frames and sequences I have missed.Excellent, one of the most underrated horror films I know of.