Adam Chaplin
Adam Chaplin
| 11 August 2011 (USA)
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Set in the fictional country of Heaven Valley, the film is the story of a man, Adam, who following the suspicious death of his wife begins to investigate her murder and in doing so, discovers the involvement of local mafia boss: Denny Richards. Unable to trust the police, corrupt and controlled by Denny, Adam, consumed by anger, summons a demon who offers him superhuman strength and dark powers. The demon follows him during his trip, promising to lead Adam to the door of the murderer if he does everything the demon asks. This unleashes a bloody war that will bring Adam, the demon on his side, against the police department with all its dark allies. The fight begins and it will be extreme!

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Syo Kennex How does one review a film that has so many flaws, but ends up being just so damn... amazing?Flaws:First of all, this film really did not seem to care about continuity. Within the first scene, we see Adam decapitate someone's arm, and he is entirely covered in blood. Within the next scene, he's only got some spray on him, and then he's covered in blood again. There are many instances like this, and it's obvious to the viewer. But - as obvious as it is, you just don't care! There are obvious, glaring flaws in the continuity, but they just don't matter. There aren't many people that will watch this for anything other than the fact it is a gory horror film - that's it's charm.Secondly, the acting is... not so great. The film itself is very symbolic, and seems to have put more importance on getting that right, more than having the actors do stuff through the acting. But as bad as the acting seems, the characters are all... amazing. They all felt real. They all felt human. They all felt like someone you could find in the street and not some horror film character who is destined a bloody death.There's something strange about this film - it's flaws make it what it is, the flaws make it... good. The importance with the flaws is what makes this film what it is and that's something that not many film makers can do.The only serious flaw was the CGI was really bad and really broke the overall feel of the film, but again, some of the CGI scenes were really well done, and it looked really good - especially in the scenes with the old film reel effect on top of it. That did look really good, and that was well done, but the majority of it made me chuckle. The story of this film, is romantic in a way. A man goes on a hellbent demonic killing spree to get revenge on his wife, and although it may not seem romantic, the ending, the meaning, the subjectivity of it all really brings it all together in a way that I don't think a romance film could ever really do. Adam struggles, he fights, he just wants to see his wife.The symbolism behind it is just something I can't explain, I don't know how to explain it, but it's there throughout the film. You can see it, you can feel it, and you can really feel what the film wants you to feel, as long as you're not too caught up in the gorefest. It took me two goes watching it to really fully get the symbolism, and honestly, I'm not even sure if I have 100% gotten it.There is so much I could talk about within this film, but I'm not going to. I'm just going to say, if you like gore films, and you don't mind reading subtitles, definitely give this a watch! I was taken aback and totally stunned by this, and I don't think I would have enjoyed this film as much if it had been done in any other way than it was. Thank you, to everyone who made this film. It's seriously one of the best out there - and very probably, true to its tag line as the bloodiest film ever.
Daniel Koehnen I don't to do a plot summary here and do my rating directly! Finally my UK DVD from Scanbox of this movie arrived i was eagerly waiting for! I have heard a lot about it and also saw material on YouTube and was dying to see it. Emanuele de Santi's Debut is a Hell of a Movie that was made on a shoestring of a budget. Ultra Violent,Blood Drenched,Body Ripping & Head Splitting! One of the best Low Budget Movies i have seen in years,and trust me that i have seen a lot! ADAM CHAPLIN is far away from Splatter campiness. You can see that de Santi had a Vision of his Movie and he was able to realize it like he wanted! You also can notice that the Production Company NECROSTORM gave him the freedom to make decision and that they trusted him to make the right decisions for his Movie. You see that he is a Fanboy who is influenced by Movies like FIST OF THE NORTH STAR,STORY OF RICKY,BRAINDEAD,THE CROW etc. But instead of just copying parts and patterns of his favorite movies he uses the influences as a nutritious food for his own movie. Emanuele de Santi is a One Man Army; he directed,was involved in the Special FX,wrote & composed the Score,wrote the script and also plays Chaplin. For the movie they extra invented a new technique for the Special Effects called H.A.B.S. (Hyperrealistic Anime Blood Simulation) and this technique makes the SFX very unique. I love the fact that they used mostly handmade FX instead of making them all on the PC and only used the H.A.B.S. as enhancer for the FX. But the Digital FX that are in the Movie are great too, a few realistic looking Bullet Time FX, downpouring Rain and Digital FX in the End Sequence could be from a Hollywood Blockbuster Movie! The plot of the movie isn't anything that hasn't been told yet and maybe isn't very surprising,but in the year 2012 there are not many stories that haven't been told anyway. But what makes this movie recommendable is how the Story,the Effects,the Score and the Atmosphere add up and make ADAM CHAPLIN complete and highly entertaining! I think de Santi's story is influenced by THE CROW and also GOETHE'S FAUST. Personally it also reminded me on Jim van Bebber's DEADBEAT AT DAWN in which the Gang Leader wants to avenge his killed Girlfriend. Also the setting of Heaven Valley reminded me on DEADBEAT AT DAWN;wasted and trashed houses,an environment so cold,grim and dark nobody wants to live in or can survive in without going crazy. The whole setting also reminded me on all the 80's Italian Post- Apokalyptic Movies like BRONX WARRIORS or METROPOLIS 2000. The hazy blue filter they used in the movie is a great enhancer to make this whole scenario more believable and dismal. Now just mix in some Japanese Comic influences and gallons of gore and you can imagine how ADAM CHAPLIN looks like. Have you ever watched the Live Action Adaption of FIST OF THE NORTH STAR with Gary Daniels(1995,Tony Randel)? Do you still remember how disappointed you were while and after watching it? Don't worry, things gonna be okay again now , cause ADAM CHAPLIN looks like the FIST OF THE NORTH STAR Live Action Movie SHOULD HAVE looked like! The whole cast of the movie is well chosen, there is no single actor that makes you think you are watching a porn with cheesy dialogues when they speak. Sure, some of the Actors are overacting, but on purpose cause each single character is kinda crazy & freaky. Almost all of the Characters look like degenerated mutated freaks. The only person who looks normal is Adam. I think the reason for this is : there is not a single person in this country who is kind-hearted except Adam. There is also symbolism in the movie: The name of the country is Heaven Valley, but there are upside down turned crosses everywhere,everyone is corrupt and under the control of a Gangster; it is paradoxical and the name of the Country should be something like Hell Hole instead of Heaven Valley. A lot of Low Budget Movies from all over the world just look cheesy,stupid and totally cheap but De Santi was capable to get away from this path and delivered a Movie that does NOT look like it is filmed on Digital Video for a Direct-to-DVD release at your next Blocksucker Video Store! Believe it or not, but ADAM CHAPLIN makes your jaw drop while watching it. I plead to give Emanuele de Santi more money to make another movie. Just imagine what he and his enthusiastic Crew around him will come up with when they have a Big Budget! ADAM CHAPLIN is highly recommendable and i am sure this Movie will become a Cult Classic as soon as the word spreads! Get your DVD now and have a hell of a time in Heaven Valley! Support the Creators & Producers with your purchase of the DVD that they can deliver us more of their cinematic visions in the future! The DVD has clean & crisp video and same for the audio. The Picture Format is 16 x 9 Anamorphic Widescreen and the Audio Track is Dolby Digital 2.0 in Italian with English Subtitles. You can purchase it as UK DVD from Scanbox,who put out a great release. But I personally suggest to order it from the Production Company NECROSTORM directly cause their Disc has some additional Bonus Material that is not on the DVD from Scanbox and includes a Comic Book too. The Necrostorm DVD is written on DVD-R support with a special procedure that permit to create unique copies (digitally different from customer to customer). This procedure even improve quality, risistance, longevity of DVDs.You can order the Scanbox DVD usually on Amazon(where i ordered mine) or you buy the Necrostorm DVD
George Hittach Since I managed to stumble upon the pre-order on the day it was released (knew of the movie before, just didn't know when the release was) I figured I would order it. It didn't really look like a movie I would love, but it promised lots of blood and I figured I could review it at least. A few days later it arrived and now that I've seen it I think I WAS WRONG. An excellent movie.The plot is like something out of any random action movie (or "The Crow") where a man is out to kill the person who killed his wife. In this case it was a mafia boss, and the lead man is Adam Chaplin - a muscular, long-haired Italian who has summoned a demon on his back. The demon is helping him find the mafia boss and also gives Adam powers not of this earth. Through-out the movie he is punching holes through heads and bellies, crushing and ripping off arms and legs, and everything else you'd imagine someone from a cartoon would do.Yes, I say cartoon because this is quite literally "just" a live-action Anime. It mostly reminds me of a "Fist of the North Star" because that's an Anime I grew up watching that was in the veins of this. But of course, Adam Chaplin isn't as awesome as Kenshiro is/was. But the violence is like the similar Animes - blood spraying in ridiculous amounts, kicks and punches are done in rapid speeds, people either wear masks or have disfigured faces (all to try and make iconic characters of sorts). This movie was extremely entertaining upon first watch and still works after days and days.The problem (if you are a purist splatter fan) with the violence in this one isn't how it looks but the fact that there is so much CGI used to enhance it. But I love the way the CGI looks here, and that have improved a lot the violence-realism mostly in simple sequence: like the sequence where the homeless get chopped with machete. Maybe too much blood - like if someone is punched in the face they use about a bucket of blood for that alone.The demon on Adam back is another great touch, since Adam Chaplin manages to mix regular action, huge amounts of gore and unearthly things such as the demon.The bad thing on my opinion is the movie carries a very bluish look and I don't know if that's because it is set in a fictional country called "Heaven Valley" (stupid name for a country). It appears to be wanting a Hollywood-look and whether that's true or not I don't know, but a less "stylish" look would've been to prefer.All in all "Adam Chaplin" is probably the only movie that satisfy people who wants to see a live-action Anime (so basically, Anime fans) and people who wants to see splatter. It's an awesome movie for many reasons, mostly the action sequence can be watched and re-watched for many days...mounts...years...yes that's why many call it a cult. There's no need for me to warn you that you won't get a very good story with it, though, since anyone who puts this in the DVD player will be certain about it being a mindless splatter, but don't expect to laugh as much, this didn't set out to be funny.George Hittach
Greenzombidog Adam Chaplin is the story of a man who wants revenge for the murder of his wife. This desire for vengeance has seen him strike a deal with a nameless demon who has made his home just behind Adams' right shoulder. The outcome of this deal has given Adam some insane fighting powers which will be giving the local deformed gang boss and all his unlucky stooges a real headache.Anyone familiar with the Manga or anime "The fist of the North star" will love this movie. It's like they've brought the crazy violence from this story to life only with a guy who looks like a male stripper as the lead. The gore is just outrageous heads are smashed arms are pulled off, people explode. The movie is obviously a small production so the effects are on a budget but that just means that these guys have had to be creative. There are some pretty neat little touches in this movie that I hadn't seen before, I especially like the effects for the demon when he appears although it's very basic I think it was very effective. The gore effects in this movie are mostly practical there's a tiny bit of CG in there but overall it's got that old school feel. It really is a triumph in these respects. The final rooftop battle is really impressive and worth the price of admission alone.The only thing I found lacking was the story. A lot of what is said in the synopsis is not actually said in the film. Also the ending seemed a little rushed which was a real shame as the film has a great look and feel with some quite fitting music too.The lo-fi production may put a lot of people off but if your gore hound or you enjoyed the "The story of Ricky" you should definitely check this one out.