Aces Go Places II
Aces Go Places II
| 11 November 1983 (USA)
Aces Go Places II Trailers

An assassin called Filthy Harry is hired by a shady figure and charged with killing the heroes. The men are framed twice for different robberies by King Kong's new girlfriend, nearly committed to a mental hospital by their devious boss, and forced to battle Filthy Harry's weaponry-laden robot while covered with time bombs.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
OllieSuave-007 The first sequel to Hong Kong's Aces Go Places, it is a story about European assassin Black Gloves (Joe Dimmick), who is seeking to avenge his brother White Gloves' death against reformed criminal King Kong (Samuel Hui) and Detective Albert "Baldy" Au (Karl Maka). While trying to evade Black Gloves, the duo are framed for robberies by the Hong Kong Mafia, who have their own plans against King Kong and Baldy.Like the previous movie, the plot is fast-paced and full of adventure. However, the story has more corny jokes and silly action in it, from King Kong suffering the consequences from inadvertently crashing Baldy and Supt. Ho's (Sylvia Chang) wedding to the random appearances of the mental impatient who thinks he is an FBI agent (Hark Tsui). The romantic subplot between King Kong and Juju (Ting-Huan Wang) was also silly; there is virtually no chemistry between the two.Though the silly and wild action is in abundance, the highlight of the movie is probably the duel of the robots (between the bad guy's towering machine hunk and King Kong's group of miniature flying toy robots). They make you feel you are watching a Transformer's movie, but the special effects were actually pretty good as they used real machinery versus CGI and, while the action is over-the-top, the robot sequences are pretty fun to watch.Sam Hui and Karl Maka (in his thick Taishan-ese accent) continue to make a hilarious duo and had great on-screen chemistry. And, Sylvia Chang continues to add on the humor with her fiery portrayal of Supt. Ho.Overall, the movie does not surpass the original but it's worth a watch at least once.Grade C+
suchenwi Of the hundreds of movies I've seen, quite many I watched more than once. But only a handful were so unbelievable that I had to watch them twice in a row. This is one of them.Yes, it's a silly action comedy, with lots of plot holes and implausibilities. Yes, it's pretty childish. But I have been a child several decades ago, and still I like to watch a children's movie now and then. And I really loved this one. Not to repeat what others wrote: the scene that touched me most was the battle of the robots, where the pet from the metal box was afraid, fought, exploded.. and from its wreck emerged the little samurai army, and ultimately saved the day. A child's dream come true (as true as movies go), with toy-like actors. In a similar vein, the toy motorbikes used to escape from the "racing tank".. or the r/c toy cars in the predecessor.I hereby suspend my disbelief. These films are just a jolly good show, and make this aged, aged man relive big, joyful boyish fun for some 90 minutes. On some days, this makes my day :D
gridoon2018 Take the three best things about the original "Mad Mission" / "Aces Go Places" (the catchy music score, the breathtaking, risky stunts, and Sylvia Chang's magnificent legs), add some innovative car chases (including one where a car gets literally sliced in half but keeps on running), some cool transformer robot battles, a brief dose of martial arts (including two female fighters who appear out of nowhere and disappear into the same place), a character called "Filthy Harry" played by an actor who does a very funny and very accurate Clint Eastwood imitation ("Have I seen you before?"...."Yeah, in HELL!"), and a recurring cameo by Tsui Hark as a mental hospital escapee, and you get "Mad Mission 2". This movie plays as if it was made by 10-year-old boys: the story is sloppy and empty of content (in fact, neither the opening credits nor IMDb even list a screenwriter!), but you can't deny the wild, wacky imagination on display. (**1/2)
Mercur King Kong and Albert "Baldie" Au gets in trouble again, this time the mafia wants to avenge the death of White Glove. To do so they hire an assassin who has seen a couple of Clint Eastwood movies to many.The movie is filled with great action sequences and lots and lots of humor. As usual in the aces series there are plenty of crazy stunts and weird stuff.Much better than the first one.