Absolute Zero
Absolute Zero
| 01 March 2006 (USA)
Absolute Zero Trailers

INTER SCI climatologist Dr. David Kotzman has evidence that a shift in the Earth's polarity triggered the last Ice Age...in a single day. Now, it's happening again, and there's no time to escape. As the temperature plummets, Miami is blasted with snow and ice. Evacuation routes are jammed. The only chance David, his old flame Bryn, and a few other hopeful survivors have is to hole themselves up in a special chamber at INTER SCI. A desperate race for survival is ignited as nature's fury rages and the temperature plunges toward -459.67° F...ABSOLUTE ZERO!

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
sinsic i saw this movie with no expectations , and i enjoyed it... it's a funny movie.. full of all the cheese you would expect from a low budget film.. i'd prob watch it again too.. on one of my less sober nights... .. ............. sad thing is i have had this movie for quite some times... i forgot where i got it from... but it's just been sitting there waiting for me to watch it... to be honest, i watch this movie while waiting on a download to finish... by the time the movie was over i still had an extra 34 mins left so i decided to write a review about it... it's a pretty interesting movie.. and i don't think that it's trying to copy any other movie... it's pretty original...
Richard Boorman The only reason I watched this film was because I was working a night shift, was extremely bored and Netflix suggested it to me (I should have known right then!)Twenty minutes into the film I had to stop and check IMDb as I thought this film is so bad, surely someone else thinks so too. Of course, I was right. The rating alone should tell you something,although I must admit I do think that 3.3/10 is extremely generous as everything, and I do really mean everything, Is bad about this film. However, the worse thing about this film, and this can not be underestimated at all,is that someone, somewhere, will think it is good and that person will be,or maybe at some point,a parent. I weep for the future.
George Jones So the graphics and sets are poorly created, the acting is mediocre, the plot is predictable, and the science is childishly inaccurate... but it certainly doesn't deserve a 3/10. If you expect to see cheesy made-for-TV quality, you won't be disappointed, because that was the intent of this movie. Certainly no blockbuster but it's good in it's own way. Essentially, a rogue scientist determines that the magnetic poles are going to shift, resulting in the rapid deep freeze of the equator. Of course, nobody believes him until it's too late. Throw in some romantic tension, angry standoffs, an evil businessman, hero kid, a few death scenes, and a semi-happy ending... bam! A cliché sci-fi movie that can be enjoyed by anyone who can appreciate it for what it is. I would have to agree with most of the opinions not to buy or rent the movie, but if you happen to see it on TV, or flip through and find it on netflix while bored, give it a try. Keep your expectations low, like Battlefield Earth low, and you may actually enjoy it.
sschiavone OK i just saw this movie because it was so boring at work and it was the only one that would download...having said that i read the reviews of other people and agree it was a terrible movie bad writing bad acting bad effects...but i cant get over the fact that people are commenting on the fact that the shifting of the poles is impossible...well lets see now how many movies out there have a script or plot that is improbable or impossible just like the big budget star packed Armageddon where they send a group of oil well drillers to an asteroid do drill a big hole to blow it up...right because that happens every week...i just had to get that off my chest.
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