Super Eruption
Super Eruption
PG-13 | 16 July 2011 (USA)
Super Eruption Trailers

A Yellowstone National Park scientist and a thrill-seeking ranger join forces to plug-up a volatile super volcano that threatens to wipe out the entire United States.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Platypuschow Yet another volcano disaster film and made by the Syfy channel?! Never really stood a chance did it?Thing is this is slightly tweaked. What do you get when you cross a volcano movie with Frequency (2000)? You get Super Eruption which isn't as bad as you'd think.It tells the story of an eruption occurring underneath Yellowstone park and the usual attempts at stopping it through pseudo science.Super Eruption however has a scifi twist to it which both makes it more interesting and considerably less credible. The concept makes you think but it's 100% guaranteed to cause a migraine or two.The decent cast keep the movie from falling into mediocrity, and though it is just another scyfy original it's certainly watchable.The Good:Cast do a good jobSome interesting ideasThe Bad:Poor sfxUsual levels of baffling stupidityThings I Learnt From This Movie:Would Yellowstone erupting actual cause the end of the world? Let's not find out
poj-man I've read the other reviews for Super Eruption and my take on the movie is a bit different from the other reviewers have posted. I have watched many a terrible SyFy movie involving all sorts of giant Dinsosharkmegaoctopussnakeheadwalkingcrocoyeti and Super Eruption is vastly superior to all of them. The viewer just has to realize what they are viewing to truly enjoy this howler (being lit doesn't hurt either ;) ).Kate is a mother who webcams. She is also a scientist who must evidently belong to the Federated Association of White Women who fantasizes about saving the world, the planet, their children, marriage and the future! SUPER ERUPTION!The Volcano and the end of America and the world are at hand. Kate can save the planet…if only the terrible obviously non-climatogynecological types who run the world would listen to her! SUPER ERUPTION! Kate and her family go from near disaster to near disaster in incredible wet dream fantasy style sequencing for the white women out to save the world and their families. Kate experiences mini-eruptions that set a fire a burning threatening her! SUPER ERUPTION! The movie Airplane II's script contains the line: "If this country was run by vegetarian women who's old men deserted them after knocking them up instead of by meat-eating males, this thing never would have happened." Kate and her allies are those vegetarian women and Super Eruption is how they save the planet! SUPER ERUPTION!
TheLittleSongbird In fact I found this movie pretty awful. Not the worst I've seen from SyFy, but this is little consolation. The premise seemed decent if not exactly new territory, and I have seen some of the actors before and I wouldn't call them bad actors overall(I am especially looking at MyAnna Buring). But you would never guess seeing here. It is not terrible or hilariously bad as much, but nobody is really believable and come across as bland. It doesn't help that the script is so cheesy, wishy-washy and sometimes confused too, or that you don't care for the characters at all, for they continue to be written in an underdeveloped and stereotypical manner. The music is both forgettable and sluggish-sounding. But where Super Eruption really falls down is in the story and special effects. The story is a good, if as I've said familiar, but it manages to be predictable and preposterous, with the whole business about the main character being able to see and talk to herself from a different dimension through a computer doesn't make sense, was superfluous to the entire story and with a slightly longer length the film could've explained this much more. The romance was clichéd and hokey as well. I have seen worse effects like in Titanic II, but the ones here do still look fake and as though they were made in a rush. All in all, awful instead of super, dull instead of interesting and preposterous instead of plausible or thrilling, in short not SyFy's worst but still a disaster of a film. 1/10 Bethany Cox
shaenn Or more like a disaster of a movie. Yet another abortion from SyFy. Who green-lights these things? Not every Science Fiction (SciFi) should be made into a movie. The basic story is sound, I liked it as much as I liked the plot several years ago with the movie Supervolcano, a much better done version of the same basic story, Yellowstone erupts. If you have nothing better to do, like your in a coma, than this movie is for you. I wish I could send a message back through time to warn myself not to watch this movie.Please SyFy Channel, save your money and put out some good movies. Stop canceling the good shows like SGU and wasting our time and your money with crap like Super Eruption.