Abandon Ship
Abandon Ship
NR | 17 April 1957 (USA)
Abandon Ship Trailers

After a massive luxury liner sinks into the ocean, the ship's officer must command a rickety lifeboat, built for only nine, that is stuffed with over twenty desperate and injured passengers. As a hurricane approaches and the many wounded passengers struggle for life, difficult decisions must be made about who will remain on the boat and who must be cast to the sea in order to give others the chance to survive.

Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
clanciai A luxury cruiser hits a drifting mine in a most unlucky manner - the mine doesn't explode at once but goes off right under the keel and instantly sinks ther cruiser in seven minutes with more than 1100 passengers - only 37 survive, and alone in the South Atlantic without any S.O.S. having been sent, there will be casualties among them as well, especially when the wind starts blowing and the seas start roaring with thunder and lightning and torrential rains.The problem is there is only one boat, and those 27 that found it and cling to it are too many, since it was made for nine. Fortunately there is Tyrone Power to take the lead, assisted by Mai Zetterling as a nurse and the stalwart Moira Lister, who both support him, even when all the others turn their back on him. There are quarrels and fights, there are hysterics and terrible pains from wounds and damages, but the real crisis set in when Tyrone Power as responsible for all their lives has to decide which to sort out when it becomes evident that they will all go down if there is not some culling.The dilemma is terrible and turns the ordeal into a nightmare, especially when the storm sets in. This is not a pleasant film but rather extremely unpleasant, but it is a terrific drama which really puts your conscience to the test. Who could possibly make right decisions in such a situation? As it is, Tyrone Power lives up the responsibility while all the others wash their hands. Which is better? As a story and drama realized on the screen it's a strong experience which will last in your mind. It is made very real and is a real conscience test for anyone who is willing to go through with it. All acting parts are superb.
bkoganbing Seven Waves Away is the story of ship's officer played by Tyrone Power who to save the people in his charge after a shipwreck has to cast several of them adrift so the bulk can be saved. The only thing that 100% of those who view this harrowing tale is they pray that such a responsibility never falls on them.I'm not sure it was peace or war time that this story is supposed to have taken place. The ship is an ocean liner on a round the world cruise. But what happens is that it strikes a loose mine floating out in the south Atlantic, 1500 miles from the coast of Africa. I can't believe that people would be taking cruises in the middle of a war nor would any pleasure ships be sailing.As Tyrone Power describes it, the mine didn't just strike the ship in one spot. It went under the ship and bounced along the bottom and when it exploded, it cut the ship right in half. It was down faster than the Lusitania when it was torpedoed. Less than 10 minutes, no lifeboats launched, no distress signal sent.The boat they're on is the captain's ship to shore craft. It accommodates nine and twenty seven are in Power's charge as the senior ship's officer. Who's to live and who's to die?Mai Zetterling is on the boat, she's Power's girl friend, a fact noted with some resentment by others, but she's a nurse. Lloyd Nolan is another officer who sacrifices himself after telling Power what his duty is. Best performance in the film is that of Moira Lister who's a society woman and a swimmer. She's just full of cutting remarks about the 'brave captain'. The film lists Ted Richmond as producer, but a silent partner in the venture was Tyrone Power. His performance as the ship's officer with a double Job like burden is excellent. He was well past his youthful days as a romantic idol and it's sad to think he would be dead next year because any number of parts would have opened up for him. This one in fact should have netted him an Oscar nomination.Seven Waves Away is a film not for the faint hearted.
Neil Doyle As gripping and powerful as it is, ABANDON SHIP! is a survival story that's hard to view from the comfort of an armchair or theater seat. The viewer can identify so completely with the daunting task facing the ship's officer (TYRONE POWER) when making life and death decisions with regard to how many people can use the lifeboat when a sunken ship leaves them adrift at sea.True, there are a few stereotypes among the raft's passengers, but the drama becomes real and forceful due to the strong performances from an excellent cast. MAI ZETTERLING is fine as a nurse with a romantic relationship to Executive Officer Power and STEPHEN BOYD and LLOYD NOLAN are fine as other ship officers caught up in unusual circumstances surrounding their survival at sea.Not for the squeamish, it has echoes of Hitchcock's LIFEBOAT (but without the humor).Tyrone Power was at a stage in his career when he wanted more serious roles rather than stay forever fixed in the minds of movie-goers as a swashbuckling star. Here he certainly had his chance to prove his acting skills and he does a splendid job in a grim role, one of his last parts before his premature death from a heart attack at age 45.
shneur I don't feel that I MUST praise this film just because it's fifty years old and stars Tyrone Power. I just didn't think it was very good. Yes, Power is the leader who "has greatness thrust upon him" and rises to the occasion of making terribly difficult moral decisions for himself and others. But as that struggle is in fact the very essence of the story, which otherwise takes place entirely in a small boat in the middle of the ocean, I think we're entitled to some real drama in its unfolding, however the writers and director might choose to communicate it. Watching Tyrone Power just grit his teeth and forge ahead may have been very sexy to a certain audience, but it was highly unsatisfactory at least to this viewer. The highlight of the film was the supporting cast's performance: several ancillary characters were developed far more than that of the protagonist.