I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
A Disappointing Continuation
It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Alistair Olson
After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Little more needs be said then that, as other reviews have nailed it. Occasionally pretty, but utterly without substance. Faux profundity, pointless but at the same time oddly timid torture porn, and an ensemble cast of utterly unlikeable characters. The Pangs should be ashamed to have their once respected name hung on this. Really, do not bother. Get Amenábars 'tesis' instead, as it covers similar themes far more grippingly. Or, frankly, go do some washing up, it'd be time better spent.J-horror has entered its death throes. The baton has passed to France, I suppose.
The main female protagonist is indeed beautiful. And she is abnormal. Why don't more movie titles deliver what they promise? A gorgeous (though a little too skinny) lesbian art student finds out she is attracted by death, or to be more precise the moment of it. As her morbid fascination grows, we find out her psychological profile, i.e. why she is as screwed up as she is. The director sets up the stage for a female serial-killer.However, there are almost two movies in this. The first half ends with her coming to terms with a traumatic episode from her childhood hence she leaves her perverse hobby behind her, and all seems to end happily. Obviously, no-one would fall for that one, 45 minutes being still left. Suddenly, the movie's serial-killer makes an entrance. Is it the guy who's in love with her? Is it maybe even her? The chicken-butcher (that was my guess)? Her mother even? No. The killer is the guy who sold her the books on death in the store. Was this convincing? Not really, but at least it was a surprise, for whatever it's worth. The scene in which she faces her tormentor in the torture chamber isn't very credible, either. On one hand, the killer has shown to be very capable and sly, and yet, in the dungeon he behaves as if he were a Leatherface-like retard straight out of "Texas Chainsaw Massacre".Still, in spite of its flaws, the film isn't as superficial as many other horror films, the first half being more in the psychological horror vein, although the last third does fall into the "mainstream" sadistic-sicko genre. It's never boring, and the lead female is interesting and beautiful. How is it Japanese/Chinese films nearly always have a great-looking woman in the lead, while American films are perpetually stuck with uglies/mediocrities like Julia Roberts, Julia Stiles, Drew Barrymore, La Lopez, or Jennifer Aniston?
The Pang brothers have done some notable work that I've seen. BANKOK DANGEROUS is a GREAT film, THE EYE is loved by many, but I thought it was lame. AB-NORMAL BEAUTY is another predictable and relatively lame Asian horror film, in my opinion. Granted, I'm pretty much a gore/sleaze/exploit fan, so maybe some of the "finer" nuances are wasted on a viewer such as myself, but oh well...that's just how it is.A female student photographer takes pictures of a car-wreck scene that changes her outlook on "art". She becomes obsessed with death and photographing death-scenes and a bunch of boring sh!t happens until the relatively derivative and predictable ending...I got nothing' really to say about AB-NORMAL BEAUTY. I'm sure Asian horror bandwagon-jumpers will probably jizz their shorts over this one, I found it dull and with no real redeeming value, other than some decent photography. I found it to be a mix between SAW and MUZAN E, with neither of the strong-points of either film. If you love everything that Tartan puts out, then have at it. If you've seen enough of this sort of thing, then you probably don't need to see any more...4/10
André (afdiazr)
The Pang Brothers know their stuff when it comes to visual style. This movie is a proof. It's visually flawless. Beautiful photography, nice camera tricks, gorgeous looking leads and eerie atmospheres, but that's as far as it goes. Oh
And the sound is nicely done too. In some ways this film is like The Crow: City of Angels, an absolute feast for the eye, but it delivers no content to back it up. And it gets boring in some parts, since you don't really give too much about the characters. The so-called violent scenes at the end are a letdown that's if you're looking for something truly disturbing. It's well done, and creepy in some parts. The killer's method was a great idea, with all the cameras and the sound of him approaching. I loved that. But at the end it's like if someone mixed Beverly Hills 90210 with Thesis (the Spanish flick). If that's your cup of tea, then this movie is for you.Watch it on a nice home system. You will get it's full blow.