Aashiqui 2
Aashiqui 2
| 26 April 2013 (USA)
Aashiqui 2 Trailers

A young woman meets a failing musician who launches her singing career, but their relationship is doomed when people assume he's with her for her fame and fortune.

StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
sukhikewl91 Well, Its been 15 months since I saw the movie for the first time. Just watched the whole movie again on television and I again cried on some of the scenes. Firstly, before it's release, I didn't have much expectations from the story or the actors, though I loved the Music. But I was surprised to see how well Aditya and Shraddha acted. Aditya played the role of an alcoholic lover quite brilliantly. Shraddha has been pretty good considering that was her first movie. Kudos to Mohit Suri for his amazing Direction. I still consider him pretty underrated as a story teller and director. The Music is already considered a Super Hit and no matter how many times I Listen to "TUM HI HO", it stills looks refreshing and beautiful.A must watch for those who haven't watched it yet. Don't expect it to be like Ashiqui (1991). If you are a romantic movie lover, you will surely love this. Its a totally refreshing experience.
kerukulla316 Very good romantic movie and excellent story. Even if you don't like romantic movies, this movie is for you. It will truly blow your mind. The ending is really sad, but I like watching movies that have good story lines and this movie does that to the max. I recommend this movie to anyone who has not seen this movie. The main actor and actress acted great and I think this is one blockbuster that is must see. This movie is worth watching more than once and I will certainly watch it again!The directors, actors, and actresses all deserve major props for the movie. On a scale of 1- 10, 10 being a truly awesome movie, this movie deserves a 10.
Ramakrishna Kothapeta All the haters of this movie, asking for the reason why Hero Drinks and take his life, probably I have an answer for it which may not be satisfactory for most of you but it is the fact in the current generation. It is not mandatory that an individual with problems will go under depression and the individuals who have all the facilities in life will never go under depression. It is unfortunate still 50% of the populations in India are not aware of disease called Depression. When someone gets effected by this disease the consequences will be terrible and it might lead to Suicide or even worst (Tamil movie 3 is a classic example of it). If I am not wrong, in this movie the director try to portray the charterer of Aditya as described above. I really enjoyed the movie and songs. Thanks Mohit for your attempt. Unfortunately most of the love stories end is tragic.
Iusedtobeacat Wow, if this movie was a mere soundtrack without the whole plot line and the story. Then it would've been sublime! I fell in love with Tum Hi Ho that I just had to watch this movie to understand the story. On the contrary the movie was a disaster. RJ is a raging alcoholic that is not only affecting his personal life, but also his career. After showing up drunk and late at his own concert a commission happens between him and an envious group who wanted to perform instead, thus making him leave his concert behind and wander off driving under the intoxication of alcohol. He meets Aaroohi by coincidence finds out she has a good voice and persuade her to leave her bar singing jobs behind in the promise of making her a star. Well, eventually Aaroohi does climb the ladder of success thanks to RJ while he loses everything but she still is thankful and grateful for his help. Rj's alcoholism flourishes as his career goes down the drain and not even Aaroohi can save him. In the end of the road he finds that no one can save him from the demons inside and he takes the ultimate and painful choice. The movie lacks a lot of explaining. The plot line might've been something great but unfortunately there's a huge lack of depth to supplement it. The love story between Rj a famous rock star who could have any girl he wants and Aaroohi is ridiculous to the point of being contrived. I personally think the movie would've been much better without the love story and here's why: Rahul's love for Aaroohi is so selfless and unconditional that it comes across as a mother's love to her chid rather than a romantic love between a man and a woman. If he was so good at expressing his emotions and feelings why does he feel the need to run to the bottle every time he feels sad or happy? At Aaroohi's ceremony he was drinking, after overhearing those other business executives stating that he would be the down fall of her career because of his alcoholism he still continues drinking even more so. Furthermore, the reason behind his alcoholism never seems to be interpreted or explained in the entire course of the movie other than an emotional dependency . It's almost like you don't have to have a reason to be an alcoholic. No one ever seems to care about Rauhl's reasons for addiction, no one ever thought about finding out why he drinks or trying to help him get over it. On the contrary, while people do taunt him for his alcoholism and scold him it seems to be for all the wrong reasons. No one ever suggests he stops drinking for his own good, everyone else just seems to think of how bad his drinking habits will affect his career as an artist. Like Fame and fortune are the most important things that can be ruined in a person's life by alcohol. The psychological aspect of addiction was completely ignored by the producers, writers and creators of this movie. Thus making it hard to relate to the characters or understand them or even have sympathy for them. Aaroohi on the other hand is two dimensional at best. Her character is underdeveloped and comes across as passive and naive most of the time. She has no standing power no strength of character. Rauhl loves her yes and is willing to help her out and she's dedicated to him but she doesn't even seem capable of helping him out. She's too mellow for my taste. I didn't like her one bit, I also don't find her voice better than Rahul's. Her looks may be suitable for her role but other than that there's not much to offer. I may seem to criticise the love story more than anything but that's only because it is the centre of this film. There's just no passion, no spark or fire. The only spark that could exist is when there is music involved. Which is why I think this movie should've been a musical instead. Other than that Rauhl's struggles with alcoholism and depression could've been very much real if and only if the writers decided to look at it introspectively instead of presenting it as a subplot. The ending would've made more sense if they did, the story would've made more sense and wouldn't have come across as a melodramatic mess. PROS: -Amazing Soundtrack! I'm in love with the music this movie has to offer. Wither you know Hindi or not the tune is intriguing but knowing the meaning of the lyrics sure makes it more wonderful. -Beautiful Photography. -Good to Average acting. Well, some actors were surely better than others but I don't think it was the actor's fault in particular the dialogue wasn't that challenging to start with and I believe it led to some boundaries and limitations. CONS: -Ridiculous Love at first sight story that made little to no sense and was badly executed. -Contrary to the song lyrics the dialogues were awful. -Character development was non existence. -The world of music industry was conspiring against Rauhl after his downfall. That was cheesy and annoying to watch. How can a super star loved by million of fans is being hated all of a sudden after just a couple of months? -Aaroohi seems like a parasite instead of a love interest. Think about it, she reaches success by the help of Rauhl and she replaces him in the music scene then she kills him off.