A Wish for Wings That Work
A Wish for Wings That Work
| 18 December 1991 (USA)
A Wish for Wings That Work Trailers

Opus the Penguin struggles to achieve his seemingly impossible dream to be able to fly.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
luvbuzz555 I first saw this when I was 8-9 years old. I'm 28 now and this film has stuck with me over the years! It is one of the most funny cartoons I've personally ever seen. The story line is hilarious, but warmhearted. :) Bill the cat is an epic character! Probably the coolest animated feline ever! Garfield ain't got nothing on Bill the Cat. Opus and the other characters are great too. Highly recommend this title to children and adults alike. My only complaint for this movie is.... its too short. ((approx 24 minutes)) This little cartoon is so entertaining... you want more of it!Storyline: 8/10 Humor Value: High Ending: 10/10 - heartwarming, funny!!! Music: very good! Animation Quality: very good! Lasting Appeal: 10/10 ~ you never forget this title!!*Highly recommend*
gogogadgetgir73 I remembered when I was seven, I picked out a video at the rental store that was different and funny...When I was halfway through the tape, I was rolling on the floor laughing my butt off...It was funny because it featured a hero with a dream (Opus), which was ironic that he wishes to fly because he is a penguin.Anyway...This movie is one of the greatest of off-beat holiday specials...You'll have to see for yourself...
Jan Hrubin I have not seen this Christmas special since it was new (did they ever show it as a rerun ?). Nevertheless, I still remember how underneath all the irreverent humor, "A Wish for Wings that Work" had a truly beautiful story. Opus the penguin is caught in the awkward position of being a bird without having qualities normally associated with birds and also of being completely anthropomorphic even though he is obviously not human in the physical sense. To make him feel even more like an outsider, he does not have much contact with other penguins. In the special (as well as in the "Bloom County" / "Outland" comic strips), this is a source of much angst for him. However, by the end of the show, he manages to recognize his true worth by realizing that his differences can be assetts too. While it´s true that this message is nothing new, it is one which is worth reinforcing. Otherwise, the special is really funny too, owing to Berke Breathed´s unique writing style. He is also probably the only person to have the proper handle on the characters. After all, he created them ! Nevertheless, "Wish" would have been even better if it had cartoon versions of great "Bloom County" characters like Steve Dallas, Michael Binkley, and Oliver Wendell Jones but it was made during the "Outland" era so their absence is understandable.
dexen This movie makes me laugh, especially the antics of Bloom County's/Outland's deranged and disgusting Bill the Cat. Bill acts as if he'd just had a lombotomy (as usual) and somehow manages to remain a sympathetic character even though you would never want to take him home and allow him to cough up hairballs on your rug. I particularly recommend this movie for those who don't like saccharine movies at Christmas and prefer the Grinch Who Stole Christmas/Scrooged/Nightmare Before Christmas type of holiday fun.
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