Li'l Abner
Li'l Abner
| 11 December 1959 (USA)
Li'l Abner Trailers

A comedy musical based on the comic strip charcters created by Al Capp. When residents of Dogpatch, USA are notified by the government that they must evacuate because of atomic bomb testing, they try to persuade the government that their town is worth saving. Meanwhile, Earthquake McGoon wants to marry Daisy Mae; Daisy Mae wants to marry Li'l Abner, and Li'l Abner just wants to go fishing.

BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Hitchcoc I was in elementary school. My friends and I were big fans of the L'il Abner comic strip. We didn't always get the political satire, although we were pretty smart little guys. We couldn't wait for this movie to arrive in our town. We sat down in anticipation. And then...and then...THEY STARTED SINGING! It was a a musical. The sets were theatrical and the characters didn't look like the ones we were used to. Well, I had to wait about twenty years to see it for the second time, and this time I got a kick out of it. I don't remember the songs. I know an occasional high school still does this play for its spring musical, but it has faded into obscurity. Now that I have learned to love musical theatre, I can watch with an open mind. It's fun. Not great, but fun.
John Wayne Peel I remember being excited just seeing.the television ads for this movie. I just loved when cartoon characters were brought to life on the big screen. What I didn't expect at the time (I was not even 9 years old when it came out) was was a musical, so as a kid, when the songs were played, I was a trifle bored UNTIL Stubby Kaye sang Jubilation T. Cornpone, then I was hooked.The incredibly beautiful Leslie Parrish as Daisy Mae didn't hurt either.The premise involved a military experiment that would turn the scraggly, skinny hillbillies into hulking he-men was fun too.Remember, this was based on a comic strip created by Al Capp who was from my home town of Cambridge, Massachusetts which I found particularly cool as well.All the best elements were there as well. Kickapoo Joy Juice, for one, and.or course, Sadie Hawkins Day.And a great surprise cameo by both the AWESOME Julie Newmar as Stupefyin' Jones, and Jerry Lewis who at that time was my favorite, but that changed when I actually met him.Anyway, needless to say, I loved it. A true classic that a fan of musical comedies.
neonboy619 During my downtime from work and my show, I decided to sit down and watch Lil' Abner. Two theater friends of mine have been talking about it, and I've been wanting to watch it for awhile now. I mean, look at that main actor. HOT! If you haven't noticed by now, I love musicals, and Lil' Abner is a cute little musical. I was instantly pulled into this unique world based off of the comic strip of the same name by Al Capp. The main plot introduces us to Daisy Mae's (Leslie Parish) plight to catch Lil' Abner (Peter Palmer) on Sadie Hawkin's Day and finally marry him. This simple plot expands and expands to include almost every character in the little town of Dogpatch and the American Government.Lil Abner kind of reminded me of Oklahoma, but better. Oklahoma seemed to lack focus, whereas Lil' Abner is totally focused. Most importantly, you can feel the love behind every scene. The movie is just so infectious and charming that it's hard to not be pulled into this world. There's also a few scenes with Julie Newmar playing the small role of Stupefyin' Jones. (because she can "stupefy" any man in her tracks)Peter Palmer is absolutely delicious in his role as Lil' Abner, the title character and the original actor to play him on stage. Lil' Abner comes together very nicely. The sets are beautiful, the singing is beautiful, the men are beautiful... :-) What's not to love?
proffate All right, so Al Capp's satire is dated half a century later. It's still one of the most thoroughly enjoyable musicals ever adapted from Broadway.Dogpatch, USA has been determined by the government to be the most useless place in the country and therefore a suitable place to conduct nuclear testing. So the bizarre inhabitants have to move unless they can find a reason to stop the bombing.I admit to being old enough to remember the original comic strip, so I'm probably biased. But lively musical numbers like "Jubilation T. Cornpone" and "Put 'em back the Way They Wuz" elevate this above standard Broadway translations.If you like musicals and great choreography, check this one out!