A Novel Romance
A Novel Romance
PG | 10 January 2015 (USA)
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Romance novelist Liam Bradley (Dylan Bruce) has already found massive success with three books written under the pen name Gabriel August, but he's mysteriously unknown to his legions of readers. With his first book written as a way to heal after a broken relationship, Liam has slowly become disheartened with writing strictly for romantic fantasy, something evident to a sweet, but honest, journalist who reviews books, Sophie Atkinson (Amy Acker), whom he meets by chance on a plane. The two begin a tentative relationship in Sophie’s home town of Portland, Oregon, where Liam has come to find inspiration for his newest entry. Liam’s agent puts him on the spot with a long-planned reveal of Gabriel August’s true identity, but Sophie doesn’t know of his public persona. The longer Liam avoids telling her the truth, the deeper a hole he digs for himself. Will their romance survive once his true identity comes to light?

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
surangaf I only gave it 5/10, judging it as a general movie. But as a romantic comedy it scores much higher.It ticks off all the usual romantic comedy plot points, very competently and satisfyingly. Man meets woman, falls in love, unwilling concealments leads to misunderstandings and obstacles, everything gets worked out at end with help of friends and love, there are tears. Though thankfully there is no villain.It has likable (but not perfect) clean cut white characters, with token minority characters. It is shot in tourist brochure backgrounds.It stays within the bounds of modern western politically correct 'liberal' ideology, as such is outside bounds of realism. It preaches honesty, being true to yourself, reality and power of perfect love, etc. As such most of the dialogue is not worth any attention.However, i found movie genuinely funny at points, not unintentionally either.Another extra, it has Amy Acker, always a very good thing in any movie or TV. Other actors were not bad performers either, though some of the direction was bit clumsy.
Michelle Panacre "A Novel Romance" was not only cliché, but actually painful.I watched this movie on my laptop and I honestly had to pause it so I could breathe and move on. Not in the "oh this is so sweet I'm blushing and forgetting how to breathe" way but the "let me close my eyes for a moment as I consider how a two year old could have better written, directed and starred in this movie" way, a "let me focus on breathing so I don't throw up from all this cheese" way.The entire thing was cheesy and predictable. Every moment was hard to watch and while I'd like to think myself an appreciator of cliché romcoms, this was something else. By now I've watched enough films to know that you shouldn't be constantly reminded that people are acting, there should be a level of suspension of disbelief. For goodness sake, some Disney Channel Original TV movies are better than this.I think that the concept of the film was okay, but that it was the execution in every sense, that ultimately let "A Novel Romance" down. A good script, performance and cinematography should make you feel something, move you, and the only thing that this film made me feel, was queasy. 1/10
littlelo94 This movie really surprised me. When I read the premise I was quite skeptical, believing that this movie would be another one of Hallmark's cheesy rom-coms (not that that's a bad thing!) but I quality of this movie was great!The lead actors were fantastic, particularly Amy Acker who delivered a great performance. I thought the writing of this movie was really great, as it didn't end in the cliché way I thought it would. I liked that the characters faced more strife and trouble in their relationship than the average Hallmark romance. 9/10 stars. You lost the last star in the finale moment. Just a teensy bit corny. Otherwise a great flick. Recommended.
brown_steve A neat idea betrayed by a script that manipulates the characters like puppets. These Hallmark romances have a predictable arc, but there's usually a certain measure of believability in the complications that block culmination of the romance and in the emotional and intellectual competence of the contending not-yet-betrothed-partners.The leading woman-puppet, despite being a book, film and theatre critic is given the emotional maturity of a middle school girl, and the the pseudonymous runaway-best-selling romance novelist child of movie star parents leading man-puppet is awarded the emotional competence of a high schooler with the most crippling case of communicative lockjaw I've ever seen. Only the night before I'd seen another Hallmark movie, sweet and maybe a little sappy, but still lovely, "Away and Back."