A Midsummer Night's Rave
A Midsummer Night's Rave
R | 01 November 2002 (USA)
A Midsummer Night's Rave Trailers

Life begins when the sun goes down for a group of party-prone friends attending an L.A. rave. The music starts and the dream begins as party-goer Puck gives them each a sample of his "love potion". This glowing green liquid fuels their inner desires and allows the friends to connect with their long secret loves during this night of dancing, lights, and unadulterated fun. The weather is hot, the music is pounding, the mood is electric and the stakes are high in this modern adaptation of Shakespeare's most popular comedy.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
aluhring4 The soundtrack of this movie really pushes the movie to a 10 but the story itself has a lot to live up to. This is not for people who want to see a midsummer night's dream by any means. If you've never been to a rave, and you aren't a fan of drugs, this movie is not for you. Like at all. Personally I think this is an amazing adaptation of midsummer night's. I mean the original story is based around people drinking a potion...and ecstasy is just a modern adaptation of what that potion could be. I'm glad this wasn't in Shakespearean language though, it just would be too much of a juxtaposition. At the same time, some of the throwbacks to the original play are a little contrived like the puck statement at the end (the part about offense), but the dialogue totally makes up for it. I love the candy raver girl who talks really fast. I dunno there's so much i love about this movie but i feel like people who've never witnessed a rave would feel really alienated by this movie. So I gave it a 10, but most people won't get it because they think there's nothing to get. But there is. And those people are wrong. jk :)
pobber If you've seen Human Traffic and GO then this a little of both. It has the Americanism aspect you get in GO and almost the rave feeling and music from Human Traffic. I watched, sometimes I wanted to fast-forward, but something that makes a movie watchable is that I identified with a couple of the characters, even if it was only for something they said or a thought/feeling they were going through. The problem with this movie was it needed to grow up, it needed to be more written around someones experience rather than experiences being shaped in to Shakespeare's play. Playing with the greats is not easy. Most if not all films based around Shakespeare have failed. If you take the idea and then use that to help you make a movie, using personal experience, maybe something like Point Break (which sort of takes off Romeo and Juliet) that is far more successful.But then again what do I know I'm only the paying public!Probably would have gone to the Cinema but tried to blag a student discount. Would not pay full price.
pinche101 I just finished watching this movie at SXSW. I believe this was a final cut. The movie is very loosely based on the book. This is a movie in which you should read the book (A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM) in order to get the subtle jokes. However, as it's own entity, the movie does stand on it's own. The movie has good Rave shots which won't require stoping and rewinding. There are some very good moments especially Puck and Devon. This was a good film with a killer sound track. I would recommend watching this movie with a very light heart.
ChrisStinson I had the pleasure of seeing this film at a screening last week in Los Angeles with one of my friends who worked in the sound department. I attend many of these industry screenings and most often I'm disappointed and go with hopes of scoring a few free drinks. This film was an excellent surprise. I really enjoyed it. The modern translation of the story was clever. The production value was great. Most of all the cast was superb. I can't tell if it was a great script or great director that motivated these performances but they're nothing short of excellent. This is the type of film casting directors salivate for because it's not loaded with expensive "stars" but instead with the names and faces we'll be seeing on the cover of magazines in the years to come. Once again, great cast!