A Man Called Hero
A Man Called Hero
| 17 July 1999 (USA)
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After Hero Hua marries Jade and leaves her in China, he goes to America to work as a servant and rebels against cruel labour conditions. Jade soon joins him in New York, where they build a family.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
George Clarke A cinematic adaptation of one of my favourite comic books, The Blood Sword – this FX filled fantasy has enough going for it, but there's just something about it that keeps me jumping between 3 and 4 stars. And I don't know why…At times I find it quite entertaining, and other times, not so much.If I'm honest, I have to say my main complaint would be the CGI – but not all of it. A Man Called Hero was the follow-up to Storm Riders (which suffers from the same problems) and back when they first came out, they were the dogs balls by HK standards. And now, with the fast growing and ever changing standards of CGI work, they seem a little out- dated. But hey, that's all I can really say bad about it..!CGI aside, A Man Called Hero is a pretty damn good show, made more enjoyable if you know the comic book and characters that go along with it.Director Andrew Lau has put together a strong cast which also included the big screen return of the superb Yuen Biao, and everyone does a pretty good job at what they do. The super cool Ekin Cheng plays Hero, while the handsome Nicholas Tse plays his son.The action is aplenty, although carefully spaced out, and even though it is sometimes hindered by the aforementioned CGI, it's handled pretty well and should keep most fight fans happy.The highlight of the action department is the fight on the Statue Of Liberty which really does, put X-Men to shame. Another great looking battle is the one between Francis Ng and Anthony Wong in the rain, which really looks like a fight scene straight from the pages of the comic.Check it out…You will enjoy it at least once, if only for Yuen Biao's appearance in traditional Peking Opera gear.
aj-to The cover of this film claims it to be 'In the spirit of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon'. How dare they make such a comparison?!? The film looks no more like Crouching Tiger or, for that matter, Hero (with Jet Li) than my granny looks like Pamela Anderson. 'A man called hero' is one of those cheap and cheesy Chinese martial art films that were produced by the ton, all with unconvincing action effects. Moreover, it's stuffed with flaws. The story is of a cheap emotional level, with a weak storyboard, dumb would-be comic attempts and bad acting. In short, it's your average China movie. It's trash and bad imitation, a waste of your time and money. Skip all the surplus reviews; you'll be deceived. Trust me: there's accounting of tastes. This earns no more than a 3 on a scale of 10.
wlpeak If you reside in the real world, then this movie will strike you as naive, crude, and bigoted. Credit should be given for the attempt to set the movie outside of China, but the snarky Europeans hired to play Americans, a bunch of undersized frenchmen no doubt ;'), and the heavy handed evil Americans routine, departs from realism pretty quickly.Halfway through, the plot mutates into the martial-arts as magic universe, and though a lot of work is put into CGI effects, there is nothing here for anyone who hasn't been living in a cave for the last decade to write home about.We also get a dose of infantile romantic complications that would embarrass Aaron Spelling, some really cheesy music, and generally lame melodramatic scenes.My favorite, an inexplicable fastcut sequence from several angles of Hero standing in a burning building holding Jade as she dies, the music tracks dramatically with the cuts, is he trapped? ...will he die? Nope he just walks out a second later. What the...?The plot tumbles on with a Ninja vs Chinese subplot, and then for some reason climaxes with a Chinese revolt against the 'Racist men fom the Klu Klux Klan' who run a mine where Chinese workers are oppressed. Someone's been carping their history from 'The Peoples History of the US' it seems.If I had to classify this movie I'd use Sword and Sorcery with too much dialogue and dialectic.
greendestnysword This was one of the finer martial arts movies I've seen. I thought it was great, especially seeing Ekin Cheng and Nicholas Tse together. I thought the effects were great, the acting was decent and the plot keeps you delightfully confused. To the guy that wrote the first thing, I'm sorry if you are offended