A Hijacking
A Hijacking
R | 04 August 2012 (USA)
A Hijacking Trailers

Tensions are high after a Danish freighter is captured and held for ransom by Somali pirates, leading to weeks of high-stakes negotiations – and an escalating potential for explosive violence.

Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
zeuszeroes This movie looked absolutely real. No exaggeration. Storyline is quite similar with 2014 Oscar nominated movie Captain Phillips. Reason why Captain Phillips got more popularity because it was a dramatisation of 2009 hijacking of the American cargo ship MV Maersk Alabama. Things which has to do with America gains more popularity than the rest of the World. Moreover Captain Phillips had 22 times bigger budget than Kapringen. Last but not least, Captain Phillips had Tom Hanks in it.
RepublicofE people compare this to Captain Phillips. They are similar in some ways of course, but their main similarity besides the subject matter is that they both have very good acting."Hijacking" starts off slow, without the gripping pace of "Phillips" but if you give it a chance it can grow on you. It's slow paced and quite, but not layered with the artsy pretentiousness common to indy films.You wouldn't think the cook would make a good character focus. He doesn't have stellar looks or great charisma or a harrowing backstory or any of the other characteristics common to leads in Hollywood blockbusters, even so-called realistic ones like "Phillips". Yes he is very real, if not exactly "relatable" and the psychological tole of the whole incident on him is made clear, so that by the end of the film you are quietly relieved and happy for him to see him get back home even if it isn't the great rush of catharsis you would find in "Captain Phillips".The negotiation scenes seem tedious at fist but they follow the sort of style of tension without action you would find in older movies from the Cold War era. It's no "Fail-Safe", but it holds your attention enough if you can get past the first 20 minutes of slowness."Phillips" never really shows the company side of the situation. In this film it is a focus, and the film explores the delicate psychological interplay more effectively, although "Phillips" did a decent job of it for a Hollywood blockbuster.There is also a theory about the character "Omar" which I won't spoil for you here but it's the kind of subtle mind-f##k you would not likely find in a blockbuster like "Captain Phillips".Overall this is the sort of film that leaves a sort of quite impact on your psyche. You won't notice it standing out in your mind until a couple years after seeing it.
poe426 In Akira Kurosawa's classic HIGH AND LOW, a kidnapper makes the mistake of kidnapping the wrong kid. The dilemma for the intended victim of the ransoming, Toshiro Mifune, becomes a Moral one: will he pay the ransom for his employee's son or not? The same dilemma faces the owners of the ship in A HIJACKING: will they pony up and get the ship and its crew back or will they write it all off on their taxes? The viewer is kept guessing throughout (this isn't a Hollywood-style adventure) and the slow but gradual dissolution of "the ship's cook" may well have inspired the closing scenes of another recent Somali-hijacking movie, CAPTAIN PHILIPS (which I also liked, but which clearly wasn't going to end with anything untoward happening to star Tom Hanks). I first read about modern day hijacking on the high seas a couple of decades ago when an article surfaced about KOREAN hijackers. It seemed, at the time, to be something of an anachronism, but it apparently isn't.
Reno Rangan One of the best movie from Denmark based on the real event. It tells about a commercial ship's hijack in the Indian ocean by the Somalian pirates. I have read many articles in newspapers from the past few years about these pirates and Indian navy who came to rescue the ship and the crew. I even thought a movie about it should come, the wait is over, so finally I am glad to see 'A Hijacking'.Well it was a pure and realistic drama, if you thought of the commercial movie presentation then you will be disappointed. Following the ship hijack the pirates send a message to the company that the ship belong to asking big ransom. Then the corporate reacts asking confirmation of the crew alive to proceed further with their demands. Due to the lack of proper communication the conversation ends in undeveloped and drags for months. As a viewer, sometime you will feel hollow for the idle in story telling. Which may bore some people to frequently pause and play kinda presentation. That is all to bring the real time feel of the situation that takes place over a 4 months from hijack to release of the ship.When they engage in negotiation, on the other side where the ship crews are held as hostage are begin to affect in delusion for lack of good food and loneliness in their trapped room. There are few scenes in the movie that makes more nervous all the sudden. As the story nears to the end it concludes without much surprise. Like one of the movie characters ask, is that it? Probably not, then comes the real twist in tale on the perfect moment for a simple reason. And that's the powerful ending leaving a guilt feeling to a character even after he was released and free to meet his family.As another Danish movie 'The Hunt' is all set to enter into the short list for American Academy Awards, this movie lost its place to participate in the big even. After seeing this movie, I kinda expecting better and different story in Tom Hanks 'Captain Phillips' that I yet to see. Coincidentally both the movies deals about the cargo ship hijack from the Somalian pirates.8/10