The Hunter
The Hunter
R | 06 April 2012 (USA)
The Hunter Trailers

Martin, a mercenary, is sent from Europe by an anonymous biotech company to the Tasmanian wilderness on a hunt for the last Tasmanian tiger.

Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
clivemcgee-74112 Films about professional assassins always make me feel uneasy, because I've found their fictional representations in mainstream movies less than impressive. I find it hard to imagine them mixing so easily in ordinary society and my guess is, for any so called 'well adjusted' person, any involvement with a person like this would be firstly psychologically dangerous. But I could be wrong, because not unsurprisingly, I haven't knowingly had contact with any of them . But this film somehow worked for me, and it did so by bringing to the fore, some tricky moral issues that affect us all. These issues helped bring about (and also made me 'accept') the moral redemption of this particular assassin. All those unexpected plot developments I realised were all carefully constructing a path to a believable redemption scenario for the central character. And usefully as well, they broke up that tiresome feeling of over familiarity you get with most movie scenarios these days So now to the crux of this review, because I wish to address all of those people who didn't believe this movie had an end. The film did have an ending and it was a good one, if you were watching carefully. So let me explain what I believe happened in that assassination moment.- He was in fear for his life, so he decides to get the job done and kill the tiger. But he is already in the throes of an existential crisis and when faced with the tiger (importantly a CGI one) in his sights, he can't bring himself to do it. But he steadies himself and has another go and because it's a CGI tiger, we then witness a subtle body language thing passing between the two of them. The tiger just stands there 'waiting' (perhaps) to be killed and again the assassin doesn't shoot. Then the tiger's shoulders drop in a clearly human expression of depressed resignation, and it is at that moment that the assassin shoots. He did it I believe, as an act of kindness to put this poor creature's (Who's supposed to be the last of it's kind) lonely and pointless existence out of its misery. This animal's existence symbolically resonated with the assassin, because that's how he had began to feel about his own purposeless life which was just existing on the margins of society. All the incidents in the film had been leading up to this moment and had stirred up feelings for all his fellow living beings. For the first time, probably in a long time he does a clearly moral thing. He destroys the tiger so nobody can use it's toxin as a weapon, but which puts his life in jeopardy and then goes off to become a surrogate father for the orphaned boy. He is quitting the assassination business and rejoining the human race. The end of this film was where this film always knew it was going, and for me, gave me that satisfying emotional pay-off that you want from a mainstream movie.
MicAdlm Joshlore 1 you stole my thunder !!! That said, I admit that i could not have written as sucinctly and with beautiful passion the way you have done here !! A goof here or there is irrelevant , no nit pickers required . You have covered every inch of the narrative with all the appreciation this stunning movie so richly deserves. And I can only add to your words with full agreement that this movie is deserving of far more accolades and true appreciation. Faultlessly presented and unequivocally recommended . Michael....
Ibby Levin I had the pleasure of stumbling onto this while on a Willem Dafoe marathon, It definitely surpassed my expectations in the sense that I went in thinking it would be another typical shallow hunter/wilderness special. It was more than that with a refreshingly original main story with a sub plot that kept me thinking. with gloomy visuals of the environment and town, it really compliments the overall tone of the movie. Dafoe's acting is so natural and really draws you in with subtle facial expressions (you'll notice when he is alone) definitely recommend for a rainy night in by yourself or with people with similar taste.
mpurvismattp I just finished this film and found it to be a good watch, it's a slow moving film but a viewer with some patience should find it quite emotionally satisfying. Defoe is once again magnificent and plays a hunter out on the trail of possibly the last Tasmanian tiger left in existence. He comes into a place where he is not wanted by the locals and his only sanctuary is with a mother and her two children who's husband/father was lost mysteriously while tracking the very same animal. The two children play very different parts, the girl a precocious little chatterbox and the young boy very possibly scarred by his fathers disappearance and left speechless. Both children are terrific little actors and even though the boy does not have much to say verbally he still expresses himself quite clearly and Defoe's character seems to speak his language. Overall this movie is very unique and beautifully shot, It's minimal dialogue and picturesque surroundings leave your mind to ponder what is around the bend and what the story's characters may find in each other. if you need a movie with a fast pace and a typical storyline then this may not be what you're looking for but to me it's a very good indie and shouldn't be missed.