A Hard Day
A Hard Day
PG-13 | 20 November 2016 (USA)
A Hard Day Trailers

After trying to cover up a car accident that left a man dead, a crooked homicide detective is stalked by a mysterious man claiming to have witnessed the event.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
24 hour party pizza Black comedy with a corrupt detective attempting to cover up his tracks after an accidental vehicular homicide on the way to his mother's funeral. Of course, events get complicated in an amusing fashion, at times reaching an almost Weekend at Bernie's level of silliness. Film rides a fine line between gangster comedy and violent criminal drama, and manages to strike an even tone between. Charismatic and soothingly baritone voiced lead Lee Sun-Kyun's climactic showdown with a menacing rival cop is brutal and almost as much fun as the ride to get there. Sun- Kyun is a talented leading man who, in a better world, would be acting in major Hollywood films.A Hard Day ends up occupying the same mix of action and humor that Kiss Kiss Bang Bang or the more recent Nice Guys do so well. The film is writer/director Seong-hoon Kim's second since 2006; hopefully the next will arrive quicker.
Dr_Sagan I don't remember seeing another Korean movie recently. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if I realize later that this is my first one.I'm European and my initial reaction, the first couple of minutes, was a quiet laughter because the language sounded funny. But soon after that the impossible plot and situations starting to unfold...This is about a corrupted Korean homicide detective who drives his car on his way to attend his mother's funeral. What happens during his ride to the funeral home might happen to anyone, but his actions after the fact escalate in a way that is both funny and tragic. The plot thickens and he finds himself in a roller-coaster of crime, bad luck and bad decisions. The conclusion is satisfying though!The direction is very very good. Adds to the thrilling sensation that many of the scenes have, but also has a definite black sense of humor. The main actor gives an exaggerate performance but maybe that's what this part needed.Overall: If you come across it, watch it.
mscclko A great Entertaining South Korean film that is full of drama & thrills. Especially the portion of the film in which the hero tries to hide victim's dead body inside his mother's coffin.The background score and the cinematography adds to the plot. There were some thrilling and tense moments that will put you at the edge of your seat.With all the twists and surprises it is engaging throughout to watch. Excellent direction by 'Seong-hoon Kim'. The actor Sun-kyun Lee played the role of troubled cop superbly and with emotion.The story is easy to follow but the mood is not serious or heavy because every now and then there is always something funny that make you chuckle/surprise or awe. Overall worth-seeing film. Thumbs Up!!!
MartinHafer A Hard Day is a very good Korean film. And, if you like violent and occasionally brutal action films, then you might want to give this one a try. However, the film also has two knocks against it--the plot sure sounds an awful lot like I Know What You Did Last Summer and the film really lacks realism when it comes to one character--a guy who seems to be every bit as tough and indestructible as the Terminator...perhaps tougher!When the film begins, Detective Go Geon-soo is having a horrible day. He's late for his mother's funeral and he's rushing about like a madman trying to get there. Unfortunately, when a dog jumps out in front of his car, he swerves and hits a man! The victim is obviously quite dead and Geon-soo makes a very fateful decision. Instead of reporting this accident, he rashly decides to stuff the body in his trunk. Later, at the funeral, he quickly concocts a plan--to stuff the body into the coffin with his mother! Soon, the coffin is buried and Geon-soo can finally relax...he's gotten away with killing a man. Right? Well, no. Soon, he begins receiving phone calls from an unidentified stranger who knows EXACTLY what happened and he demands that Geon-soo get the body back...or else.The most surprising thing I noticed in the film was how the South Korean police were portrayed. Just about all of them are totally corrupt in the film--even more so than Geon-soo (who has been taking bribes as well as his involvement in the hit and run and disposing of the body)! I have no idea how accurate this portrayal is, but it sure makes you think twice about going to visit the country! Another thing that surprised me was that I liked the film. This is a surprise because I generally don't like action films. Normally, such a movie wouldn't interest me...but this one managed to. But, as I mentioned above, it is a bit derivative...though it certainly is not exactly like I Know What You Did Last Summer. The only real deficit I otherwise noticed was the big finale. While it was super-tense and exciting, it completely lacked realism. No one can take that much punishment and STILL be alive...yet one of the characters seems almost immune to anything Geon-soo can throw at him (literally). The bottom line is that the film is super-entertaining provided you don't think too much near this crazy ending.
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