A Goofy Movie
A Goofy Movie
G | 07 April 1995 (USA)
A Goofy Movie Trailers

An endearing modern-day story about how the lovable Goof bonds with his teenage son Max on a hilarious cross-country road trip. En route to the ol' fishing hole, they find themselves up to their floppy ears in misadventure!

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
rokbaljak Beautiful masterpiece must-see. I love it, i am sure you will. Movie of the year. Century. Best movie ever.
Antonio Ramon In 2004 Walt Disney was announcing that was closing the Traditional Animation Department. Sixty years of paper animation, tradition and more than that, magic, was coming to end. "Home on the Range" became the last movie made with traditional animation. This notice was received by the longtime fans as a bomb. Claiming that the style was no longer attractive, Disney forgot the past and looked for the future. But it was not just the style that Disney leaves behind, but the soul as well. This review it's about a movie that belongs to the Disney Golden Age and focuses in a character loved by generations: the Goofy. The Goofy won his own series in the early of 1990 decade and also a son, Max. "Goofy Troop" made a great success with the kid and pre- teen public with creative stories and day by day situations. With the success, Disney decided to produce a movie focusing, only not in Goofy, but the relationship between him and his son that was not so developed on the series. But why I start this review talking about the Disney animation style? Just because "The Goofy Movie" it's that kind of film that Disney really doesn't can produce again, even with all the technology we have on these days. Directed by Kevin Lima, the movie was premiered on April 7, 1995 (in Brazil, the movie premiered on July 21, 1995) and made a good presence on the cinema raising more than $ 6,000,000 of box office on the first weekend. As a sequel of the series, the original characters come again. Max has now 14 years old and wants his own life without his father causing shame with his goofy way. He likes a girl named Roxanne, but don't know how to talk with her, freezing when the girl is close. After create a problem on the school, Goofy is advised by the school principal that he have to rethink how he's raising his son. Worried, Goofy decide to save Max of the electric chair, taking him to fish. And then, begins a travel of self-know where father and son will rediscover the meaning of fraternity, trust and love, even if the son grows up, he'll still be a boy for his father. This is the focus of the movie that has a simple and linear screenplay. A moral message at the end and followed by musical sequences closes the production. There's something new on this film? No, absolutely nothing, but this is exactly what makes difference. Sometimes it's not necessary produce a movie full of special effects, action sequences and all of these things. Sometimes, just a good and familiar story, with a soundtrack that really stays on the memory and charismatic and memorable characters really makes difference. And talking about soundtrack, "A Goofy Movie" has an incredible and memorable musical sequences. Performances by Tevin Campbell, music as "Eye to Eye" (I2I) and "Stand Out" is really great. Others, more slowly and sentimental as "Nobody Else but You" sang by Max and Goofy together have its presence. The final sequence when Goofy and Max really seen that the relation between father and son can really be fun it's beautiful and the stage performance with Powerline it's awesome likewise! But "Stand out" really stand out on this film! Twenty years. But unfortunately twenty years make a great distance between generations. "A Goofy Movie" with all its moral lessons and animation style has no place with the kids of these days. If you want feels the nostalgia of the old days, "A Goofy Movie" it's a nice choice. About the new generation, tries to show this movie it's a good thing, but it's possible that the expectation may be frustrated. But make a try, its praiseworthy! Styles that Disney really has lost of decade that cannot be forget. This is "A Goofy Movie"!
haunt_freak I cannot begin to express how much I adore this movie. I watched it practically on a loop when I was young, and still love to watch it today.First, I'll talk about the phenomenal songs this movie has to offer. "Stand Out" and "I2I" (performed by Max's favorite rock star, "Powerline") are catchy as hell and stay with you after the movie is over. "After Today," "On the Open Road," and "Nobody Else But You" feel very musical-esque. And there's even the silly "Lester's Possum Park," a hilarious little ditty.The film itself is very touching and I feel that Max is very relatable. Max is embarrassed by his father, Goofy, as a lot of teens are. Max pulls a stunt that makes him the coolest guy in school, only to be dragged on a father-son bonding road trip immediately afterwards by Goofy. Through the journey, Goofy tries to bridge the generation gap between himself and his son, but learns that the things he thought were great as a child aren't so impressive to the youth of today (well, of 1995)."A Goofy Movie" is a touching and fun movie that doesn't get nearly as much attention and praise as it should. I prefer this movie to the highly overrated "Frozen."
Cinder Entire When I picked this movie all I could think of all the great memories that came along with it. Starting off with the great music that was in it. The catchy lyrics from "After Today" and "I2I". I also still loved how maturity that could be found in this most simple parts. An example being with how Goofy reacts to finding out that Max, his son, lied to him. I love the way the worked in some light fourth wall jokes like having Donald Duck and Mickey join in on the song," All in All" while being lost in the middle of the highway to The little Mermaid light switch. I also enjoyed how the growth of relationship between Max and Goofy. Overall I loved this movie and hope it becomes a real Disney Classic. I also enjoyed the music video with Lou Bega doing the cleaned up verison of Mambo No. 5. In short,a great movie and wonderful DVD release to boot!