A Fork in the Road
A Fork in the Road
| 20 April 2010 (USA)
A Fork in the Road Trailers

An escaped convict and a woman ponder what to do with a not-quite-dead body.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
SnoopyStyle Will Carson (Josh Cooke) is a convict who escapes after a car crash. He finds April Rogers (Jaime King) stuffing Martin Cheeder (Daniel Roebuck) into her car trunk. Will assumed Martin to be her husband but he turns out to be blackmailing her and is still alive. That soon changes when Martin drowns himself accidentally. Things keep getting more complicated when April's husband Karl Rogers (Silas Weir Mitchell) goes home and mistakenly assumes that April is having an affair with Martin. Of course, Karl is actually cheating on April with Nola (Missi Pyle) who turns out to be April's sister. The complications do not stop as the cops try to figure exactly what's going on.The movie needs to calm down the wacky comedy music. This could have been a good black comedy but the music keeps stepping on it. If I want to enjoy the wild black comedy, I don't want to be have a flashing sign pointing at it. Jaime King is a pretty good comedic actress and Josh Cooke isn't that bad. They are good together for the most part. I'm just not that impressed with Jim Kouf's writing or directing. He's trying too hard and not quite getting the comedy right. It's a wacky bumbling crime drama with a few moments of fun comedy.
davidm617-543-768484 I was barely three minutes into watching this film, when I said to myself, why haven't I ever heard of this movie? Skillful and energetic direction and editing, especially for such a low budget, a really dark comedic script, good pacing, fresh scenery, and enough twists and turns kept me glued, laughing and impressed all the way through. You can definitely see a bit of the Coen brothers or Spike Lee in this, although the violence is toned down—more suggestive than in your face. I read that some people thought the acting was sub-par. Not for me, although the wacky events that cause leads Josh Cooke and Jamie King to stomp around with their arms in the air in total frustration might make them appear, to some folks, to be performing over the top. But I liked that; I thought the performances fit with the tonality of the film.
rosh abraham First of all, let me clarify why this movie warrants 9/10. I did not have any expectations from this movie when I first watched it. The movie is hilarious, the scenery amazingly picturesque, and the background music helps add to the fun.After I watched the movie, I rented it out again to watch it with my wife and she too loved it. We were laughing through the entire length of the movie. This movie does not have any of the rude humor that you see in movies nowadays.Love it... and may watch it again in a few days.Brilliant!
drakestudents This movie was decent. Although it had a low budget feel to it, the actors delivered very convincing roles in their characters. At first I couldn't remember Jaime King's sister, but then I realized I seen her in White Chicks, with Shawn and Marlon Wayans. With all the drama that comes with movies, this was a sure delight. In the performances,the character of the escape convict was convincing enough. I also thought the roll of the Sheriff was intense but funny. The detective that was with him, also down played his character, but they pulled it off. Every scene had its moment where you wondered what was gonna happen next. The movie was written and directed very well. I recommend it to those who like dark comedy with a hint of romance.