A Dogwalker's Christmas Tale
A Dogwalker's Christmas Tale
| 15 November 2015 (USA)
A Dogwalker's Christmas Tale Trailers

Spoiled 21-year-old Luce Lockhart faces a tough decision when a handsome new friend asks her to help protect a dog park from her wealthy employer.

Softwing Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
Mabel Munoz Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Roy Hart If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.
delsordo-46204 I kept falling asleep watching this movie at night.. it was boring ...but ... I decided to keep continue watching it during the day so I could stay awake and see if it has any significance to the storyline.. OMG the acting was so so so bad.... all around disappointed.... it was such a low budget movie.... it was cute ... I love dogs ......but maybe for like a 10 year old ..
Elizabeth-133-463684 Call me a hopeless romantic, but I really enjoyed the film. It is not a multimillion dollar budget film, but it was great and enjoyable to watch. The actors were good and I am a sucker for cute dogs! This film is about Luce Lockhart who has to realize what is important at Christmas. I don't know about you, but I never get tired of happy uplifting stories and films with a positive message. I guess I'm just not as negative as some, so sorry guys, but I really enjoyed the film and would watch it again. If you love action packed films or special effects, this film is not the one for you! If you like more character driven holiday films with a positive message and a fun romantic twist, then the film is for you! And who does not love those dogs!! Christmas, dogs, romance--I'm in!
story_by_corey Luce Lockhart wants a ruby necklace for Christmas, but can't afford it. A wealthy obnoxious developer friend offers to get her the necklace in exchange for taking her very large dog walking during the holidays. Luce really doesn't like dogs but she really likes rubies, so she agrees to do it. Along the way, she encounters an attractive dog walker at the dog park. Could romance blossom? Not if the developers (who happen to own the dog Luce is walking) bulldoze the park before it happens! Dog walkers from all over town converge on the park to find a way to take advantage of Luce's connection and stop the developers. Does Luce get the ruby necklace? Is Luz the Christmas miracle that saves the park for the dog walkers? Can dog walking lead to a walk down the aisle? It's an interesting storyline when the dog shows up at the 23 minute mark until about an hour into it. Before and after that, the movie feels like walking your dog down the same road for the hundredth time to its predictable end. It's not the worst Christmas movie of 2015, but you might find walking your dog more enjoyable than watching it.
MattyGibbs From the title itself you can tell that this will be no classic. It's a Christmas TV movie and expectations should be set at that level. A rich girl meets a dog walker in the park and finds herself in a battle to save a local park from developers, which makes her re- evaluate her principles. Like many of it's genre bedfellows it's very predictable and relies on the cast and the characters to make it a success. The cast do a good show with the limited material. Lexi Giovagnoli exudes a certain charm as the spoilt rich kid finally growing up and Jonathan Bennett does a half decent job as the activist. The back up cast are all adequate, with Timeca M. Seretti especially good in a cameo role as one of the dog walkers. It's nicely filmed and there are a few hit and miss attempts at humour to go with the predictable romance. It's full to the brim with the usual Christmas messages i.e money isn't everything, family and friends mean the world etc. This is no bad thing but maybe they are forced home a bit too clumsily here. You will pretty much know what's going to happen but as a very easy to watch Christmas movie, you could do a lot worse.