95ers: Time Runners
95ers: Time Runners
| 14 February 2013 (USA)
95ers: Time Runners Trailers

Time is unraveling, paradoxes are everywhere, and strangers with terrifying technologies are on the hunt. A thrilling, original, ultra indie full-length sci-fi movie that is the story of Sally Biggs, an FBI agent who has the power to rewind time. Her scientist husband has disappeared mysteriously, and the closer she gets to finding him, the more dangerous her life becomes. To save the future and her loved ones, Sally must enter a battlefield she never knew existed. Fortunately, she's a 95er. Surrounded by bizarre timespace paradoxes and hunted by terrifying forces from the future, Sally must discover the earth-shattering truth behind it all before her very being fades out of reality.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Ian It starts like it's recapping the previous episode in a crazy sci fi series, trying to bring you up to speed. It actually highlights some of the events in the movie itself. Really??Usual problem here - writer/director. No one to question or query his grand vision. Desperately needed in such a potentially complex story.Initially, some of the voices sound like they've been dubbed. And there are some brilliant(!) shots of actors talking with their mouths covered by various objects. One can only assume the writer/director was trying to plug holes in the plot by explanations. Maybe he was listening to someone. Unfortunately, not enough.The direction/editing is poor in many places and really flags it as amateur/low budget. And there are some poor casting choices.Some of the dialogue is just off plot and character. At one point it descends into totally incongruous family argument.The whole plot is very convoluted, confused and unclear. You could be half way through the movie before you understand who everyone is and what's going on. And even 2/3rds of the way through, it's still confusing.Of course, being a time travel movie, there are the inevitable anomalies. Unfortunately, there are a few glaring ones. It's not a suspension of disbelief thing, but the way time and time travel is supposed to work in the movie - it varies to support the plot.There is a sort of twist or two but by this time you're probably not bothered and the attempt at the twisty reveal thing at the end was so predictable.And the music jars terribly. Some of it's just really annoying but most of the time it's waaaaaay over the top. Oh, writer/director and composer have the same surname. Nepotism, perhaps?The result is a bitty, scrappy, movie that does no favours for anyone, especially time travel fans. The subject matter alone gives it a second star but time travel fans will miss nothing (but a poor movie) by giving this a miss.
Adrian Sweeney This is a hard review to write - I don't want to oversell this film or sell it short. I caught it while idly flicking round British TV one afternoon. I had better things to do but minute by minute it managed to keep me away from them and I didn't regret it.At first I thought 'Cheap afternoon TV movie'. A few minutes later I added the rider, 'with solid production values and an above-average level of effort and energy.' A while later again: 'And an astonishing amount of care and ingenuity over detail. Did you see what just happened in the mirror? And did they hire a troupe of boisterous improv actors as extras? I need to find out who wrote and directed this.' Then: 'The special effects are too good for a TV film, especially the excellent time-line display gizmo. It must be a bigger-budget studio number. Why haven't I heard of it? Probably one of those things that came out in the wrong week or something and slipped under everyone's radar.' And soon: 'There is so damn much in this film in the way of backstory and world-building and little loving doodles in the margins, too much for a normal film. It must be an extraordinarily faithful adaptation of a book - not just a book, but the first in a whole series of books. They must be big in America. So well-loved that the fans would lynch people if they left anything out, so they've put it all in and are making quite a good job of explaining it to the rest of us.' And eventually: 'Who cares what it is or where it comes from? I'm still watching and it's getting even better.' By the end I was not only completely gripped and invested but so moved I had to stifle a little manly tear at one point.Bear in mind: it IS low budget, albeit usually very well disguised. And you've seen most of the things in it before, but they're done with slightly new spins and so much verve in execution they come to seem fresh.The first half of the film is - not exactly slow, but stays mysterious for an unusually long time. This can be a bonus if you enjoy making guesses. If you're impatient or are used to being spoonfed, forget it. (I think a lot of the people who've given absurdly negative reviews must fall into this category. Although I suspect those who've been over-critical of the acting of malicious trollery - the acting was either perfectly good or quite perfect.) The best thing in the film, and the best example of the care and inventiveness that's gone into it, is the main gimmick (there are several). One of the characters in effect has a sort of superpower. This is very well handled. We are gradually shown rather than told and I was deep into the film before I fully grasped it. All the implications of it were thoroughly worked out - including the ingenious ways that enemies could counteract it. Most importantly, it was handled in such a way that, rather than becoming the equivalent of a Get Out Of Jail Free card, it actually had the effect of doubling or tripling the tension.All in all I enjoyed it a lot. I would like there to be a sequel (for one thing I would love to see what happens when one '95er' fights another) or, perhaps better, a TV series. Most of all I would like the director and his collaborators to be given a bigger budget to play with. Congratulations to all involved on some remarkable work.
Leofwine_draca Apparently, TIME RUNNERS took many years to get made. You wonder why all the effort, because this turns out to be a very ordinary movie, one whose admittedly interesting premise is ruined by a dreadful, TV movie-style execution which makes the whole thing look and feel cheesy. It feels like a rip-off of TIMECOP, except with the action heroes of that film replaced by a pregnant housewife trying to solve the mystery of her husband's death.This housewife has a special ability, which is to rewind time by five seconds, something that comes in very handy during some fun fight scenes that are interspersed throughout. Sadly, the interest level remains low, thanks to some VERY cheesy performances, particularly the guy with the exaggerated British accent who made me cringe every time he spoke. The special effects are on par with your average SyFy Channel movie, leaving this a disappointing "could have been" viewing experience.
ddburg I recently attended Fandom Fest at the Louisville Comic Con where I was privileged to sit in on a screening of 95ers: Echoes. An independent made sci-fi film dealing with time travel, paradoxes and the really brain twisting stuff of human relationships, and I'm happy to say that I think it is one of if not the best examples of the genre. I must say the cast has absolutely nothing to be ashamed about their acting abilities. I've seen a lot worse in big budget main stream Hollywood productions. The story line is meaningful and exciting, which kept me on the edge of my seat. The special effects were fantastic and added real depth to the story and did not detract from the movie. All in all, this film was made at a level of professionalism that belies its' Indie film status. The cast and crew have a project they can be extremely proud of. They have produced a labor of love, and it shows in every frame. For anyone thinking of watching this movie, do so, you won't be disappointed.
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