40 Carats
40 Carats
PG | 28 June 1973 (USA)
40 Carats Trailers

After an overnight fling with a man nearly 20 years her junior while vacationing in Greece, Ann Stanley returns to New York assuming she'll never see Peter Latham again. Until, that is, he shows up on her doorstep to take her daughter to a party. Despite her yearning for Peter and the encouragement of her friends and family, Ann initially rebuffs him when he pursues her, but slowly she yields to his charm and her own stifled emotions.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
marcslope Liv Ullman, lovely in a series of chic early-'70s outfits, is not quite right for the cougar part played memorably onstage by Julie Harris (and Lauren Bacall on tour). She never relaxes, she doesn't look like she's having fun, and the chemistry between her and Edward Albert, as the 22- year-old she falls into bed with, is hardly overwhelming. The miscasting doesn't end there, with Gene Kelly rather creepy as the weak but loving ex-husband who sets things right for the mismatched couple; not for the first time, he seems more in love with himself than anyone around him, and it's embarrassing to watch his character try and pass himself off as 40. Some good character actors hang around and do what they can to make the stage machinery work-- Binnie Barnes, Don Porter, Nancy Walker--and there's some picturesque Greek location filming, and a pretty Michel Legrand theme. But the stage-rhythm dialog doesn't resonate, the outcome's never in doubt, and Liv looks like she'd be much happier being miserable in an Ingmar Bergman opus.
drednm Based on a hit Broadway play that won a Tony Award for Julie Harris, 40 CARATS is a comedy about a 40-ish woman who is pursued by a 22-year-old man. Liv Ullmann, looking very pretty, stars as the New York City realtor who meets the young man (Edward Albert) while on vacation in Greece. By coincidence (and a big one) he meets her again when he shows up for a blind date with her daughter (Deborah Raffin). It turns out he's from a wealthy family which interests Ullmann's swinging mother (Binnie Barnes).Into this mix are Ullmann's first husband (Gene Kelly), her secretary (Nancy Walker), a hick from Texas (Billy Green Bush), a customer (Natalie Schafer), and Albert's parents (Don Porter, Rosemary Murphy).The plot revolves around the machinations and misconceptions of who is dating who and is it proper for Ullmann to marry a much younger man.Ullmann is good as the "middle-aged" woman. Albert is sort of creepy. Kelly is annoying as is Green Bush. Walker gets in a few zingers. Raffin is a blank. But in her final film appearance the 70-year-old Binnie Barnes (looking decades younger) steals every scene she's in as a swinging grandmother who's always borrowing Raffin's clothes and can't wait to hit the dance floor. This role was played by Glenda Farrell on Broadway.
suzywoo When I was 20 and first read this story I loved it. Then I saw the movie and was charmed by Liv Ullman, Edward Albert, and the rest of the cast. (Binnie Barnes was a Ziegfield Girl! Gene Kelly dances the twist!) Now, over 30 years later, I have watched it more times than I can count.OK, so you know the story from the plot synopsis. Whoever says there is no chemistry between the two leads doesn't have the same nervous system that I have. However, there is one glaring problem: for a 40-year-old woman to be interested in a 22-year-old, he must be a pretty incredible and "mature" guy. But Albert's character consistently descends into childish argument and even name-calling when Ullman disappoints him. ("You don't know what you want." and "You are a silly, helpless woman...") This would be an unbeatable romance if there was more depth to his character and more development of their relationship. It's not chemistry that's missing, it's any evidence of true intimacy. And that is a flaw of the script, not the casting.Still, with a "willing suspension of disbelief", it is a charming romance and a chance to see Liv Ullman be happy.
pockey11-1 I first saw this movie when I was in high school in the 70's. I love old movies and have an extensive DVD library. This movie takes me back to high school memories. I took a movie class in high school and this was the first movie I ever saw with this actress. I collect all kinds of movies and this one will soon be in my collection. This is my first writing of any comment on movies that I have seen or would like to see. I saw an article in a book about Liv Ullman and got to thinking of movies I have seen her in in the past. 40 carats was one of them. I just wanted to say thanks for the opportunity to let me write to you and tell you this.