3 Ring Circus
3 Ring Circus
NR | 22 December 1954 (USA)
3 Ring Circus Trailers

Jerry and Pete are two friends with no money and are looking for a job. They finally find employment working in a circus, but Jerry has different dreams. He wants to become a clown.

StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Irishchatter I always loved Martin and Dean. Who knew that they could do a lot of performances with jumping on ropes or shelves. They must had to have at least 1,000 protein pills to get all the energy and fitness going haha!I have at least two favorite scene's on this, one was when Lewis and Martin had to serve custards to the public but the public were getting out of control that the machine began to malfunction. They were literally covered with Custard and you could hear the audience just laughing their heads off! Then we go onto the second, I loved when Jerry Lewis did a performance as a clown and he was talking of sadness to a little girl because she didn't find him funny. Suddenly he was successful making her laugh, the pair of them were so adorable, they just hugged with delight! It definitely warms your heart 💟This is the best Martin and Lewis film I've seen. Although I found the audio was very low so I missed out on the words on what they were saying. For the heck of it, I enjoyed so I can't complain further!
bkoganbing 3 Ring Circus was not a film Dean Martin cared to remember. Apparently this was a film that Jerry Lewis wanted to make because he got to play a circus clown. Dean had very little to do here, he only got one solo song though it's a good one.Nick Tosches fine biography of Dean Martin says that Jerry ran the film, including picking the director Joseph Pevney. It was the first time that real tension was rather public between the team.Dino and Jerry play a pair of newly discharged veterans who pick up jobs in a circus. Jerry is placed as a lion tamer's assistant and he has a marvelous scene with Sig Ruman as a rather inpatient lion tamer. Trying to teach Jerry the trade would be enough to drive anyone crazy. But Jerry is actually correct in his reasoning that if he just hires on with the circus, sooner or later his talents as a clown will shine through. Though he drives owners Wallace Ford and Joanne Dru wacky with his antics, he becomes a marvelous clown. That's a profession you are born to, either your funny or you're not. My favorite scene with him is Jerry trying to hand the aerial cyclist his unicycle and then getting caught on the high wire with it.On the other hand Dino is caught between Joanne Dru and the star attraction of the show, trapeze artist Zsa Zsa Gabor. Gabor is also jealous when Lewis gets to be the real star of the show. I think you can figure out how all this ends.Dean and Jerry do a song written for the film Hey Punchinello by Paramount contract songwriters Jay Livingston and Ray Evans. But Dean's one and only solo was the interpolated classic, It's A Big Wide Wonderful World. For reasons I don't understand he made no record of this so the only place you'll hear him is in 3 Ring Circus. The song was introduced by Buddy Clark in the Forties and it fits Dean's style perfectly.Other than that song, this film was strictly Jerry's show with Dean only in support. No wonder tension flared.
tavm This is another Martin & Lewis movie I watched on YouTube. Like one of their previous films-The Stooge-there's some drama mixed in with the by-now familiar comedy associated with the team especially Jerry whenever he gets excited about something. But while I thought it was a mistake in The Stooge to have Lewis seem to still act naive most of the time, here he believably becomes a bit smarter as the narrative goes on. Also, since he does calm down here, he reverts to his natural voice whenever that happens which also contributes to a more natural mix of comedy and drama. It's also refreshing to see Dean be more of a supporter for Jer instead of occasionally treating him like dirt like in The Caddy. Likewise for when that does happen, it doesn't happen for long. He has two leading ladies this time: Zsa Zsa Gabor as the egotistical trapeze artist, and Joanne Dru as the circus owner who he calls "Boss Lady". Both are adequate enough in their roles. Then there's Gene Sheldon as the alcoholic star clown who Jerry seems to idolize despite his treatment by him. It's a good enough dramatic performance for him. Like I said, there are some expected outrageously hilarious comical scenes like when Jer has to tame some lions or when he convinces The Bearded Lady (Elsa Lanchester) to let him shave her. But this was also one of the more sentimental of M & L's movies as evidenced by the finale when Lewis in his clown makeup tries to cheer up a sad little girl in the audience. So on that note, I recommend 3 Ring Circus. P.S. Watch for occasional Lewis regular Kathleen Freeman as a victim of a custard.
Zipper69 There are some strange echoes of the real life bust up between Martin and Lewis in the script. It's saddled with Jerry's sincere but misguided belief that he is a natural clown and screen heir to Emmett Kelly, who's makeup he closely resembles in some scenes, imitation being flattery I guess. The buddies, newly discharged from the army and penniless head for the circus where Jerry, longing to become a clown instead has to apply to be a trainee lion tamer (as if..) the usual water squirting elephants and disgruntled, drunken clown lead us to the quease-inducing finale when Jerry as the clown succeeds in making a sad little girl (in leg irons, yet)smile at his tears. For 1954 audiences I'm sure it was a pleasure break from post war blues but it's well past it's sell by date. TRIVIA: Unless I'm much mistaken the sequence where Dean Martin does acrobatics on some low bars is doubled by Nick Cravat who appears elsewhere in the film and was an acrobatic partner of Burt Lancaster.