World of Dance
World of Dance
TV-PG | 30 May 2017 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Console best movie i've ever seen.
    Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    intrepidami It's a flashy dance competition. Viewers get to see world class dancers perform.Here's how it's very flawed. Individual dancers or pairs ARE ALWAYS GOING TO WIN. lock that statement in! It would take a miracle for a dance troupe to win this.There should be at least 3 categories, where dancers in those categories can win.Groups are fine, exciting to watch. It's a different kind of dancing. The groups are only as strong as their WEAKEST MEMBER. You are always going to notice that person who slipped, was out of sync. It's harder for 4-10-12 people to all dance in unison. To all be doing something exciting at once. Therefore its unfair to have the groups going up against the individuals and pairs. They'll always lose. It's just the nature of it.You'll notice them praising a troupe to the moon and then barely getting above 80 scores " I loved the energy, you guys were so clean" here's an 80!Same comments about a Pair?'s your 95!It's impossible for a troupe to impress the judges as much as a single great dancer. A really good example is a kid from Pairs suddenly dropped to a troupe this season and despite them getting rave reviews, barely made it through. Where as he and his partner made it way into the battles last year.Other than that, it's not a bad show. It's just don't get your hopes up of ever seeing a group end up on top after taking on a bunch of world class singles and pairs.
    degaswilson You know what I cannot stand about shows like this and also Do You Think You Can Dance and American Idol and The Chair Show:When I was coming up and going to audition after audition, there was NO easy way to make it in an instant. You paid your dues with the sacrifice. These kids today don't sacrifice or even work as hard. They just show up at a television studio and boom on television or "Off to Hollywood". Where is the struggling, where is the starvation. Ask a person over 40 who lived and sweat in New York going to audition after audition and pounding those streets just to get into the chorus of a show.The kids of today do not know what it is like to actually starve for your talent. I see these kids on these show come on for the first time and boom - right to the top. Another problem with instant fame is that you cannot remember who they are.The World of Dance has been on for what now, two years. Does anyone remember who won last year? Can't tell without looking it up huh. What about Do You Think You Can Dance. I don't remember one person who won that competition. I cannot name one name.Now, American Idol. I can only remember the people who didn't win, who went on to became famous. I know Kelly Clarkson, because she was the first. I remember Carrie Underwood, because she was became a county western star. Fantasia Barrino, because she was the first black to win.The others didn't win, but I do remember because they were better than the winner:Jennifer Hudson Clay Aiken Chris Dougherty Elliot Yamin Katherine McPhee Adam Lambert LaPorshaDo you see what I am getting at. Look up the 7 people I just mentioned and look up who won that year and compare their careers. You will finally understand what I am talking about.It's not about votes or who you pick, its about raw talent period. Those people on my list have won top Hollywood awards and are still working and making millions, not because they won a singing contest, it's because they are more talented than the winners period.I would like to go back to old days when you had to actually work for fame. Today in 2018, all you have to do is sign up for one of the realty shows and BOOM you are famous.That is why AI was canceled back in the day. People are really tired of these young kids making it, even if they didn't pay their dues. How in the heck can a 16 year old from Iowa pay their dues when their haven't even been out of their own town, even to experience the world. That is the reason most of these kids who win these competitions you never hear from them again, because they cannot face the public. How can you be good in your own skin, when you haven't gone through heart ache and rejection a few hundred times, to build up that wall when you do become famous. If you travel through hell to get where you are, you can appropriate the fame so much better, because you can handle it.That is why, you never hear from any of these kids anymore after the competition. You hear, they either got depressed and went back home or they just couldn't get that feeling of winning again, no matter how much they tried.Go back to the basics, when everyone had to go from audition to audition until they finally paid their dues and no one was putting them on a pedestal to soon.
    dlbartdlb This show has great dancing but it is clearly rigged. there is no way that les twins should have won the competition. they were not the best week after week and the final show was so obviously predetermined. one twin had a leg injury and sat in a wheel chair the whole time. there was no dancing. not only that,,week after week the best dancer(s) got sent home. i even overheard one conversation with one judge disputing the panel decision...but he voted with the panel anyway
    jojocc I just caught up with Tuesday's show on DVR, and Les Twins over Keona and MAri!!????.. What the heck?!!... You have an injured dancer, dancing from a wheel chair and winning?.. this show was starting to grate on my nerves and I was starting to wonder why.. Now I know is completely biased, and with all due respect to Jennifer Lopez she has an agenda, which is where her high scores come in. Latin oriented dancers, pretty boys,...All of the really good dancers have been eliminated so far, maybe this show will be too..