TV-14 | 22 September 2011 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
    Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    zoocar Please fade away. Please. When I saw her last year on Leno sitting on the couch after her turn being interviewed, she was constantly trying to draw attention to herself and attempting to upstage the next guest while they were having their interview with Jay. It was so very sad and ridiculous and showed how insecure and desperate this self-absorbed self-promoting child is. It seems as though she has slept her way to the lower edges of recognition and has done well behind the scenes but no matter how desperate to make it cannot close the deal with the general public. There is something very manipulative and false going on within this person and people seem to sense and know this. If she was in some way more attractive or at least had some redeeming underlying talent perhaps she would get away with it but she is instead quite annoying and lacking in both of these essential areas.Eventually whatever got her to where she is will wear out and the public will be blessed with her disappearance from all the wasted promotion that has been forced upon us. When she fades back to her rightful place she will be remembered by very few and certainly not missed.I am sorry to say these things about her or about anyone for that matter but when you get in my face with falsehoods it is a time to ask you to back down.
    presco1989 When I saw the adverts for this show i thought it seemed pretty funny, then i saw the mixed reviews and i thought i would give it a chance. However whilst watching from the start the bits didn't seem that funny at all, it was too scripted and the acting wasn't great, very flat and no personality. The "live audience" was very annoying and made me cringe every time a comment/joke was made. I know its in all the great comedies but they are actually funny.I did see some potential from Chris D'Elia's character 'Alex' but it didn't really make much of a difference.
    fivehole84 Words like "terrible" and "unwatchable" get thrown around all too much nowadays. At no point during the history of language have we developed words strong enough to describe this abomination.I watched 7 or 8 episodes so I think I gave it more than a fair chance. Also, I realize not every comedy is the same. Some are cutting edge and some are made for a mass audience of the lowest common denominator. This show doesn't even manage that.The show is one giant cliché after another. It is almost like the writers have a competition to see how many hacky jokes they can squeeze into an episode.OK, so it isn't funny, but what about the acting? That is equally atrocious. When you have a main character in your show, please make sure she can act. I have seen 70's porn films with better delivery than this.This show got on the air because of Chelsea Handler sleeping with the boss. That is not a big secret. How it has stayed on the air is a mystery. This is the same network that canceled Harry's Law which got 8 million viewers but kept this show which usually comes in about 400,000 viewers. So your guess is as good as mine.The positive reviews are truly baffling. Well, except for the ones that clearly come from the network. NBC has this uncanny ability to have interns write glowing reviews of their shows without hiding their tracks. In fact, some even use their NBC.Com email addresses. They do not have the best and brightest there. Its no wonder why the network is going under so quickly.You are more than welcome to watch this show, but please, do not confuse it with being "just like my relationship". This show is just recycled plots and equally reused jokes. However, do not come crying to me after you watched it because I am just going to say "Told you so"....
    nathan lockett Join the crowed. While their are some comedies where, even though the joke is obvious, the film is still funny. Whitney delivers the line so poorly that even the the most amateur of views can feel that something is off. Because I am no longer willing to spend more time talking about this show, here are the other things that it is missing:humor, wit, intelligence, twist, originality, humor, identity, character, development - how are the main characters both just people who toss out one- liners? a legit laugh track, humor.I have no idea what this show is supposed to be. It feels like a bad ben stiller movie...yep, picture a ben stiller movie -consider it good- then try to figure out what would be bad compared to it- it's tough but you can do it- and you get Whitney.