Under One Roof
Under One Roof
| 14 March 1995 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
    Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
    deecooks Was a wonderful American tale, of an mixed generational, loving, African American family, headed by the brilliant actor, James Earl Jones, who together, worked to resolve their differences and trials - such as death, infidelity, teenage rebellion and others. The show dealt with issues relative to every age. This timeless classic was cut much too short. The show was familiar to many of us regardless of ethnicity or class. My only regret is that I did nothing to help save the show. Maybe it's not too late....like characters "killed off" on the soap operas. It is my hope, that quite possibly, CBS or another major network would review it, appreciate it and reconsider airing this rich American tale, with very minor changes.
    nicolasdanjon I can help it; It has to be a 10/10. When I came to the US as an exchange student (I'am French), I did't think I would live such an experience. Not only because I got to be an extra on the set (my first experience on a real production) but also because I got to meet James Earl Jones and Joe Morton, two great actors (and get their autographs). The show was very well written. Too bad it didn't last. If anyone has any idea on how to get the DVD or VHS of the episodes...I'm interested. The location was Ballard High School in Seattle. The School has been destroyed and rebuilt since. I heard marlin Santana died...I was his classmate in the show. Too bad, we were the same age. Anyway, I wish the show could be found on DVD or VHS.
    justmjw Watching Under One Roof was a delight. Of course James Earl Jones is fantastic, but even beyond his presence the program was entertaining and thought provoking.The characters were real people and had real problems. Ayesha, the daughter who changed her name from that given to her by her parents--Beverly, is a strong female. She is true to herself. When her boyfriend is seeing another woman, she leaves him because it's obvious they don't want the same kind of relationship. She lives with the pain of breaking up, rather than endure being in love with someone who isn't in love with her.The grandson has many lessons to learn. His behavior reflects modern times, as shown when he calls his mother an obscenity. The son deals with racism on the job, even being the owner of a construction company. The daughter-in-law faces her role in life, and what she wants to do beyond being a wife and mother.Each week I came to care for these characters a little more. I looked forward to spending time with them. Unfortunately, the show was cancelled after being continually switched around in the schedule.If you have the opportunity to see these episodes, by all means watch them. It's disheartening when they end. You want to see more of the family. Still, it's worth it to see the little taste we have of such a fine treat.
    shanna_wilson I am shocked that anyone remembers this show. It wasn't on very long, but it was an awesome show. The show centered around three generations of the Langston family living together in one house. Neb Langston, the patriarch of the family also took in a troubled kid named Marcus. It is a shame that it got cancelled, because it was a real treat.