| 08 December 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Protraph Lack of good storyline.
    WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
    Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
    Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    patrickoconnor-56568 the show has a great premise, and some good actors. don't want to spoil to much but the gist of it is... two friends get in a fight, so naturally one of them eats a full bag of mushrooms, goes home any smokes some weed. after that, that is when things get interesting a version of his friend from a parallel world shows up out of a whirling dimensional portal and warns him he and his friend in this dimension are in danger. the main character assumes he is tripping off the stuff he had take and pays no mind to most of the warning. but then another portal opens and out of that portal comes an assassin from another world. the story starts to unfold and the two friends from the prime world end up traveling between a few different worlds, overall a great demonstration of the concept of string theory and an amazing story. the one downside is that it is only four episodes.
    billanne-31094 Why would you guys stop after just 4 episodes? Just getting into the twisted plot line and character variants... and boom it's done. The station announcer voice says..."well that's it for this series..." I went..... "Oh crap... you gotta be kidding me!?" Perhaps there was a micro budget. Perhaps it was seasonal filler. Perhaps the writers ran out of good ideas, but for gosh sakes don't let things like this, and other great shows like Cilla, and Home Girl, and especially Bluestone 42 come to their ends before you milk every last bit of fun from the characters.... okat maybe Cilla was a finished story... but the young fab four weren't done. This show is worthy of more enjoyable exxloits... PLEASE!
    milesmwr-40143 About the first 4 episodes! I pray for more. More series or movies produced to this extent of human expression. I love sci-fi and a good hip stoner comedy too, sure why the hell not! Are you serious? The beginning of episode one is stellar.I really liked the use of all alter reality personalities, I really felt like they were different people. Hilarious too. All of it really well done.I thank you. Hell I rather not give anything away. As a person who enjoys great quaint and/or frank British humor. CHECK IT OUT!Premise: It really hits home the 20something year old, witty British weirdo kid is abandoned by his only friend basically to be the hero of the show by re-uniting them and saving the day, basically. Instant cult classic.Iconic as fkk. A movie for our younger generation in this age, or anyone that wants a good laugh.
    djcatsgc After the sad demise of Misfits its good to see a new sci-fi series for adults.How would you feel, your life is a mess, your best mate chooses someone else to be best man, then when you get home really weird #### starts to happen.That is the slow start, but after that it is fast pace roller coaster of a ride.Parallel universes multi you's, some good, some downright weird, is it real or are you still Tripping?.Also there is a good, old fashioned mystery to solve.From the first episode this looks to have a lot of legs. If the rest of the series goes on like this one we are all in for a great ride.
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