Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn
Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn
| 09 December 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
    CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
    AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    winelover37 For so long I had watched a similar format of this show which was great called "Politically Incorrect" with Bill Maher. Bill was articulate, informed and made valid arguments for his opinions yet let the panel speak their minds as well and so the show was balanced, fair and funny. Colin Quinn for "Tough Crowd" just can't cut it and is quite the opposite of Bill Maher. Colin doesn't take the time or have the intelligence to stay informed of key political and social issues. Whenever he does "try" to bring up an issue through his babbling of fragmented sentences and incomplete thoughts, the comic panel's eyes dart back and forth to each other, as they scramble to put together a comment to cover Colin's butt because he never really asked a question throughout his ramblings in the first place. Colin then gets flustered and either brings up the race card or lashes out at one of the comedians. Colin is as articulate and eloquent as a man with Turrets Syndrome without the expletives. It seems as if Colin has to "cram" 30 minutes before the show to try once more to sound informed. I think Colin graduated "Sum Cum Laude" at "Take it in the Brown" University, hence his habit of "cramming", which is probably how he got the gig at "Tough Crowd" in the first place. Has anyone seen Bill Maher? We all miss him.
    T Y Colin Quinn attempts to make himself over as a conservative mouthpiece, but he really doesn't have the chops for it. The 'transformation' was required because as a comedian his chronically unfunny Boston meathead viewpoint held no potential. This show serves to confirm that comedy still eludes him and that that previous gig was just an attempt to hide his anger behind a sometimes smiling face. He reminds me of Brutus in the Popeye cartoons. As you watch him you can see that he has great difficulty getting his lips in sync with his brain. His primitive mind tires of every topic before he's even partially considered it, probably so he can resume thinking about beer. Like all inarticulate people, his exasperation grows as he nears the end of his reasoning ability and the limits of his communication skills. The result is a transparent reactive posture that won't get him mocked by his southie buddies. His anger is understandable; I'd be angry too if my ambition outpaced the sub-standard brain I'd been given. A chimp could make more persuasive conservative arguments.
    thegreatgrundle Finally we've got something to watch at 11:30. This is, usually, a very funny show. I say usually, because the success of the show is based greatly on who they have on the show every day. Because, quite frankly, Colin Quinn is not funny, and he's the only one on the show every night. He doesn't have anything funny to say, and when he does have a good comment, he messes up the delivery and stutters into his obligatory apology.Anywho, when they have their best on the show (i.e. Greg Giraldo, Jim Norton, Nick DiPaulo, etc.) it's one of the funniest on TV. And when Jon Stewart was on, I almost p***ed myself I was laughing so hard. And the surprising part is, these guys actually have intelligent things to say. The only thing I think they should cut out is the "third act", where Colin takes over with some truly awful pre-written material that makes me cringe more than laugh. They should just let the comedians rip each other apart for an extra 7 minutes every episode.
    aliengremlin Colin Quinn is held as either one of the best or one of the worst hosts in SNLs Weekend Update history. I liked him in it and like him on this show too. Colin heads up a group of four other comedians who debate or agree with each other on current events. Most of the time it's a funny show despite hitting the occasional speed bump. The comedians rip on each other as much as they talk about the topic at hand which end up pretty funny.