Time Trax
Time Trax
| 20 January 1993 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
    Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
    Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
    Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
    jeffsheilarice I miss TV shows like this one! Why don't they make good old fashioned Sci Fi television shows like this one anymore? Those were the days! Sweet. Fairly innocent. Fun. Action. Good guy vs. evil guy. Good guy always wins. Plain and simple. This show always reminded me of Quantum Leap. The whole time travel thing and SELMA being a hologram, like Al was on Quantum Leap. I loved watching this show when it aired in the 1990's! I sure wish I could watch this show again. I cannot find it out on TV reruns or DVD or online anywhere. Does anyone know where to find Time Trax online or on DVD? If anyone has any idea where to find this show, please reply to this message. Thanks!
    woodswoman55 I just saw Dale Midkiff on a movie on TV and I remembered the TV show that I loved that he played in in the 90's, but couldn't remember the name of it, had to look it up. I used to watch this on Sundays after I got home from work, in the early evenings. It was the highlight of my Sundays. I loved this show and wonder why they don't make good SciFi shows anymore like they used to (I'm a Star Trek fan, too). I'm not sure about the new show "Fringe" yet. It is rather way out there, but it does deal with a parallel universe. I believe they go overboard anymore when making SciFi, with weird monsters and such. Seems they could keep it a little saner for those of us who remember the good ole days!
    mattsterofpuppets Why did Daren always give a speech to the bad guy before sending them back to the future??? He would be pointing the device at the guy and he'd go on and on about how justice must be done and about the original crime. He would point the thing at the guy for like 3 minutes. blah blah blah just shoot him! Lets just give him more and more of a chance to get away with every passing second. The speeches got more and more dramatic towards the end of the show too. Sometimes the bad guy would even grab a knife or something from across the room and even still darien wont shoot him because that moment had to be reserved for the very last scene. pretty dumb if you ask me but I still enjoyed the show.
    Rod in PSP It is rare that I find myself looking forward to watching re-run TV programs, "Time Trax" is one of those interesting shows that I keep tuning in for on the SciFi Channel.Darien Lambert (Dale Midkiff) is a policeman from the future (25th Century or so) who must travel back in time (usually the present) to find and send back to his time "criminals" who have also time travelled and are usually endangering the current time's inhabitants with advanced devices ("of EVIL").Darien is assisted by his holographic computer "Selma" (smartly played by Elizabeth Alexander) who appears from his rather futuristic credit card / weapon / transporter.This show is pure fantasy and, at times, corny, but Dale Midkiff makes his character impressively believable.