Threat Matrix
Threat Matrix
TV-14 | 18 September 2003 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
    Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
    clarapuce8 It is definitely not the best show ever made but I do not agree with the comment before mine. It is indeed one of these action series but it is very well directed, you are tensed during the whole episode and it is not at all propaganda for the government. You might think so because they work for homeland security, because they use the Patriot act all the time, using methods close to torture sometimes but there is always one of the character who asks the good question at the right time. The complexity of the war against terror is well rendered. Americans as shown in this series are far from being always the good guys. Anyway, as i said, not the best show on earth but nice to watch if you don't have anything else. And I really think that there are several degrees into it and it is propaganda only if you don't dig a little.
    Stibbert Here's the deal: If you don't have any expectations it's worth watching.Quote from the intro-sequence: "Every morning the President receives a report that updates the most active terrorist threats against the United States. This report is called "The Threat Matrix". The department of Homeland Security handpicked teams of agents from the CIA, FBI and the NSA, to analyze and respond to the Threat Matrix report, now their job is to keep us safe." We follow Special Agent John Kilmer (James Denton) and his team who makes a living out of stopping terrorist in reaching their objectives.And that is mostly what this show is about. Now I know 24 comes to your mind when you see this but this is not 24 and don't think about 24 when you watch it. You'll be disappointed. This is not a bad show, but it's not a masterpiece. It is, however, entertaining and worth watching if you don't take it all too seriously and think too much about it. The cast is good and the stories are OK. The effects could have been done better, but you buy it. Over all it's well made.
    di0nne I admit I haven't managed to sit through the pilot in its entirety. But my taste and decency wouldn't allow me to make that mistake. Every cliché in the book is trotted out for this sorry excuse of a drama. Playing "call to prayer" sounding music whilst showing clips of suspected terrorists. Hardly anyone in this so-called "elite squad" is anything other than nice middle class and white. From what I saw, it even made Independence Day look like it possessed a modicum of savvy.My boyfriend at least seemed to enjoy watching it, so he could mock it in the extreme. What worries me more is that there are people out there, believing the extremely prejudiced ideas spouted by such ridiculous programming. Oh well, there's no accounting for taste. Or intelligence for that matter.
    Wolfgang Schmitt In Germany we have this saying that goes 'it's better to do a good copy then to make a bad invention'. I guess this about sums it up for "Threat Matrix", ABC's new '24' like drama, which borrows a lot of the Fox's hit, minus the real-time dramatic. And this is where the good part comes in: You can watch it WITH the occasional chance of missing an episode. As for acting and stories, the episodes I've seen so far are fast-paced, well- acted and well written for a TV show. Come to think that there is a real Threat Matrix report out there, which would give material for endless seasons, one wonders why ABC put this against NBC's MUST SEE TV THURSDAY. I mean, HELLO?!
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