The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour
The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour
| 11 September 1976 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
    ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
    Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
    Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    phdgmourey Opinions and taste is up to an individual: logic is not.Having worked in five countries and been around the block...a few times,I know the value of being able to chill out in order to get positive goals done! Dynomutt allows people to relax and it is a no brainer. Good nostalgia cartoons? You bet we need'em in this,sometimes,too serious world being materialistic (and look where that did go since last year). A good laugh is priceless and well needed nowadays. Anyway,isn't it amazing that this DVD has been redone in 2006 shows,somehow,its popularity: trust me,in business they do not do it because they feel like it. They did it because there is a demand...Even me,being French dig the coolness of this cartoon.
    Atreyu_II "The Scooby-Doo Show" was never one of my favorites (even in my childhood), but it was nevertheless quite fun to watch. The adventures of Scooby-Doo (a Great Danes), his owner and the two girls Daphne and Velma were always hilarious, especially because Scooby-Doo and his owner are both so silly and "chicken".While not a personal favorite, this show is enjoyable and humorous enough to amuse those who watch it (including me).Scooby-Doo is a different type of dog. He knows how to be goofy, silly, stupid and at the same time friendly and cute. I'm not complaining. To be honest, I like his personality just the way it is.This animated TV series is showing its age, but still has its charm and certainly is slightly superior than these awful animated TV shows produced nowadays.
    voicemaster71 I consider my watching of the Hanna Barbera cartoons at its peak to be in the late 1970's. Other than the original Where Are You? series of 1969,I felt the next best animated Scooby Doo shows were the ones made between 1976 and 1978. The Scooby Doo Show had lots of great and memorable episodes. The only guest characters who surfaced in this series were Scooby's retarded cousin Scooby Dum. As annoying as he was, I say give me Scooby Dum over the likes of Scrappy Doo any day!! Also, there was Scooby Dee in that one episode. I noticed that when I acquired the Scooby Doo Dynomutt Hour on DVD, they only had the episodes from the 1976 season. Apparently, Hanna Barbera is skipping over the other half of these shows, though I don't understand why. I'm assuming the other half of these shows must have aired in 1977 as part of Scooby's All Star Laff a Lympics. Anyway, I noticed that in the late 70's the group split ups this time had it where Fred and both the girls went off together leaving Shaggy and Scooby together to provide all the laughs as opposed to the Velma hanging with Shaggy and Scooby while Fred and Daphne paired off like the old series.As for the villains, we saw the likes of the Spectre, The Gator Ghoul, The No Face Zombie and Gorilla, the 10,000 Volt Ghost and more. SO apparently, the Scooby Doo Show had three seasons. The third season sticks out in my mind more than any other. These 16 episodes are what some people say is supposed to be a continuation of the Where Are You? series, only with late 70's style animation. There were no guest characters in this series and the villains ranged from the Willowah, Iron Face, The Cat Creature, the Jaguaro,the Lock Ness Monster, the Disco Phantom, and more. These shows were a little spookier than the previous seasons and what really sticks out in my mind about these episodes is the stock music that Hanna Barbera used in these 16 episodes. These 16 episodes aired in 1978 as the opening segment of the new 90 minute Scooby's All Stars series and these episodes are coming out on DVD later this year. But what I was saying music wise, these 16 episodes had stock music that was also heard on Challenge of the SuperFriends, both the Challenge and Non Challenge episodes of 1978.Bottom line, I feel the best Scooby Doo shows were the original Where Are You series and these 1976-1978 episodes and also, the Scooby Movies of the early 70's. But it stops right here. Up next, disaster called Scrappy Doo!! Please WB, release the remaining Scooby episodes of 1977 on DVD as well as the Laff a Lympics. DYNOMUTT: DOG WONDER: This was not only a spin off to me from Scooby Doo, but also a parody of Batman and Robin, only in this case, the sidekick (a mechanical one) is the actual star while the hero is actually the costar. Dynomutt was hilarious as the mechanical Dog Wonder who although being a state of the art (at least at the time) crimefighter, Dog Wonder always malfunctioned. The real reason I liked Dynomutt was because of the Blue Falcon, who to me was nothing more than a Batman ripoff. Oddly enough, without Dynomutt around, BF is quite efficient as a Super Hero. But Dog Wonder's malfunctions always hindered Big Citys hero instead of helping him. And who can forget the likes of his arch enemies like Superthug, the Queen Hornet, The Gimmick, FishFace,the Worm, and Lowbrow. I also enjoyed the few episodes where Scooby Doo and the gang of Mystery Inc. guest appeared.Only a few episodes of Dynomutt are not on the DVD, so I am assuming they ran in 1977 on the Laff a Lympics shows. Either way, you can't miss with these Scooby Doo/Dynomutt Hour episodes on DVD. If you're a major Hanna Barbera fan, I highly recommend this series.
    TheMan3051 The Scobby-Doo Show (the title that was used when it aired on TNT) is a funny show. It's not as good as the original but it falls in easily as the second best. This was perhaps the last good Scobby-Doo show before Scrappy-Doo showed up.