Hot Wheels
Hot Wheels
| 06 September 1969 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
    Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
    Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    richard.fuller1 In case I am grossly in error, let me say I think this was the first cartoon we learned of on the then-new ABC network, as we were visiting someone else.Up to that time, I seem to recall the CBS lineup of Smokey the Bear, Casper, tom and Jerry, among others, or Hot Wheels was on this network anyway. (Well, old comic book ads do have Hot Wheels on the same network with Casper and Smokey the Bear). Either way, the pounding theme repeating "Hot Wheels! Hot Wheels!" as tho it was composed lyrics sticks in a four-yr-old head.Because of this distinction, I eventually sought the show on Ebay and came across three episodes, and about three of the Skyhawks show as well, which I have no recollection of.Definitely enjoyed Hot Wheels, even tho about only one episode is in color (well, hey, we had a black and white back then anyway. Actually, when it aired, we did have that big color TV) It was a basic setup. The heroic Jack Wheeler, his father who owned or managed the Hot Wheels group, mini-skirted chickie, a tomboy, and another preppie white kid.The strangest one, at this time when blacks were entering TV programs as mere tokens, here we have an Arabian black youth, with a small turban on his head.and then we have the sinister Dexter, rich kid voiced superbly by Casey Kasem. Dexter has his gang of sidekicks, a long-haired motorcycle bunch.they all go to the hamburger hangout, Mothers, who I actually recall this woman. She was pleased to see the Hot Wheels kids, not so happy when Dexter showed up.Animation not on par with Scooby Doo or Jonny Quest or Space Ghost, I find the show strangely enticing and enjoyable in all its simplicity.Would love to see more of them sometime. and I didn't buy a single Hot Wheels car.well, not like I didn't see them thanks to my brothers and the kids in the neighborhood.The tape also has commercials on the first episode, cereal ads and a Shasta commercial narrated by Tom Bosley.There is also an ad for Henry Fonda in a failed TV show, The Smith Family.
    steveshadow-1 Yeah I remember both shows! They were my favorites for those few seasons. I had the "Sky hawk" airplane they advertised, the Super Star by Mattel. Remember.. Where ever you are, there's a piece of the sky, waiting for Super Star!? i had the original sizzlers, the hot wheels super charger race sets four or five of them... the jumps the ramps the quick release sets with the plastic clamps that went on a door or chair. I had lots of johnny lightnings too and match box and other crappy cars. I never got the big Hot wheel carry case, but my dad tried to throw out my hot wheels lunch boxes... instead they carry tools now.. Some how I always knew they would be worth money some day.. but I never kept them in good shape... My favorite car was the Jack Rabbit special! I guess because of the show.. funny how nobody ever made that car for real... Too bad... I'd buy one!
    fivefids I still remember this cartoon that I never missed on Saturday mornings. The characters were the hero Jack Wheeler, Ardeth the tomboy, Kip, the minority rep of the gang who drove an MG and "Tank" the big guy. Each week they were involved in a different race scenario. Each time they were tormented by their arch-nemesis Dexter, the bad guy. Had that great 60s underpinning where the good guys always won and Dexter left in shame. Jack Wheeler always drove one of two cars, the Jack Rabbit Special or the Sand Crab. Both cars were white, probably to indicate the "good guy." Each episode featured lots of good information regarding automotive mechanics and motor mania in general. At the end of each episode, Jack Wheeler always gave the young audience a driving safety tip. He even did an anti-smoking commercial, which was aired during other Saturday morning cartoons. Its companion cartoon was "Sky Hawks" which had a similar theme but featured airplanes instead of cars. I still remember the Hot Wheels theme song - "Hot Wheels, Hot Wheels, always racing always chasing. Hot Wheels, Hot Wheels, keep a-turning now, keep a-burning now, keep a-turnin' Hot Wheels! Daytona, Indianapolis and Bonneville! Dune buggies, keep a-climbin', up the sandy hill! Hot Wheels, Hot Wheels, keep a-turning now, keep a-burning now, keep a-turnin' Hot Wheels!"
    Brett_Buck This may the among the first of a dubious trend - a 30-minute toy commercial masquerading as a Saturday morning cartoon. Hot Wheels was a wildly popular toy car line, spawning several imitators (like Johnny Lightning). As a product, it was quite enjoyable, and a high-quality product that now is among the mega-collectible boomer toys. And yes, my mom in fact DID throw out my "wheel" carrying case with all my cars in it! But I digressHard to say how the cartoon came about. Did someone say, "hey, my kids love Hot Wheels cars, let's make a cartoon vaguely related to Hot Wheels and cash in", or alternatively, "hey, I had this great idea - why not make a cartoon about our toy, and maybe we can sneak it into the Saturday morning line up, advertise our toy, and also get paid for doing it!"The cartoon itself was the typical, generic, limited animation that looked like it cost about $150 an episode to produce. The plot was nominally about a race car club competing in some unspecified series, with some rival "bad guy" car club as a frequent antagonist. Rule #1 about cartoons - if it's about a race, it's gonna stink! This cartoon did not prove to be the exception, it stunk out loud. Nonetheless, it worked pretty well and it was relatively popular for a while. Whether it ever sold any more Hot Wheels cars is unclear.I vaguely recall an airplane-related sister series, but it's been too many years.