The Unexplained Files
The Unexplained Files
TV-PG | 28 August 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Micitype Pretty Good
    Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
    charlierbarrett I was watching this show and I just want to say that, I think the government finds these remote places out in the middle of Midwest and then they inject these cows with diseases. Then they monitor it over a certain amount of time, and then right before these people take the cows to auction they come back and suck out it's blood .then they go back to their labs and do their research on it. I bet if somebody looks into this Theory they can explain the whole cow mutilation. And they say it's aliens so it throws people off of them and then animal rights people can't get involved because they have no proof of them doing it. This is just my theory on it.
    Jay Ran I watched season 1 before and have been looking forward for the new season. Season 1 was really interesting. The topics were complex and the narrating wasn't boring or anything . It was great actually.I recently found out the new season was out so i was excited. I just now finished watching all of them .... And... IT IS BAD . Really boring and non-interesting compared to season 1. Most of the topics are alien BS. The directing/narrating also seems worst.I had to make sure I was watching the same show.... Disappointing! I'm hoping they will still be making anew season with much better episodes .
    Chuck Zukowski There were years of research and investigations that set the premise for this episode. The eye witnesses who were interviewed, those that made it on camera and those who didn't, ranged from very professional, to the very honest. They just reported what they had seen or what they had researched. My role was to put it all together for an investigation. I'm a little biased because this is my episode, but out of all the shows I've been involved with, this was the most informing. If you believe it or not, doesn't matter, what matters is getting the information out to the public for you to decide. And as a side note: Any reviews you see on this episode or any other in which the reviewer blatantly calls someone's mom or grandmother "obese mid-western bovines" should have their IMDb account removed. There's no reason to insult people, just review the episode.
    jjmcateer Im going to give this show an 8, simply because this is the sort of thing that interests me, so if you liked Unsolved Mysteries you'll like this.... but maybe the next story could be 'The mystery of the dodgy Aussie accent'... in the first story it was terrible, did they get an Englishman to play the part? I'm sure there's some cheap Aussie actors in America looking for some work.On a lighter note, i hope this series sticks around for a while, its always intriguing hearing stories of the 'unexplained' and have been missing 'Unsolved Mysteries' So if you have a spare hour up your sleeve and are looking for something to fill the gap i recommend giving this a go.