The Telegoons
The Telegoons
| 05 October 1963 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
    Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
    Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
    Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
    pauladams666 I searched Ebay and found that this is now available on DVD on both sides of the Atlantic. 5 quid in the UK & 25 bucks in the USA. Some bright spark bought the copyright and transferred it from cine to DVD. Can't speak about the quality, but will soon find out. Vendor admits to hiss on the quiet bits but claims that there is no rolling or sticking of the film. Looking forward to seeing this for the first time in over 40 years. I hope it's all I remember from so long ago. Anyone else bought this product? Any good? Has to be better than nothing at all. Anyone any idea when this was last shown on UK TV? I would have been 6 when this was first shown and can't believe that I remember it from way back then. Was Michael Bentine involved with the puppetry ? A forerunner to the other puppet shows he did in the 1970's?
    grumpy-3 just think i and i thought i was the only one to see them, over the last couple of years ihave been talking to people here in the UK and the States of the truly great telegoons and i can tell you that there are a great many of us who remember this amazing show that unbeleivably, did not dissappoint in the animation of the characters and the look and feel, i have it on good authority that in fact the shows were re scripted and reperformed for TV by all the originals. I had no idea, but the person who gave me this info is a total and die hard fan and collector. i say come out of the woodword all others that have seen and remember and liked the show let us be counted.
    sethur666 Even one sketch, where, after the creation of the world as a mass of lava, Man (a puppet caveman) descends from the heavens, scorches his feet, screams and jumps back up again! Notable trivia, though, an episode of the Telegoons had to be cancelled in November 1963. The programme that had followed it the previous week was so popular they cancelled the Telegoons to re-run the first episode before the first showing of episode two of.......... Dr Who!
    balmbra I thought they were called the Telly Goons, but it's so long ago that my memories of them are very vague. Even though I must have been only nine or ten I can still see the puppets very cleary, and the warning "Don't go near the canal, Neddy" stays with me. I'm sure they made a strong impression on many of us Torchy and Twizzel fans as they were the first intentionally funny puppet series I can remember. I wonder if all the episodes went the same way as many Dr. Who series of the period, or if the BBC still have archive copies. I'd love to see them again.