The State
The State
| 20 August 2017 (USA)

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    Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
    Connianatu How wonderful it is to see this fine actress carry a film and carry it so beautifully.
    KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
    Leoni Haney Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
    georget-1 While the action and character development took a little while to unroll I found myself thinking on several occasions, "That's a Game of Thrones twist right there." After watching the first episode I ended up binge watching the remaining following three episodes in one sitting. The characters enter into the ISIS death cult with the best of intentions and soon discover that their idealized, romantic vision of an Islamic paradise on Earth is in actuality a corrupt, power-obsessed regime bent on creating a uniform group think with an apocalyptic vision of the future, reinforced by heinous acts of savagery and barbarity. There are other reviews that outline the story line but in general, if you like the convoluted political machinations and character awakenings of Game of Thrones, you will really like The State.
    tylergagerd I am amazed at the scathing reviews of 'The State'. Trust me, as a man who has been on the front lines against daesh in Iraq, this is worth the watch. I think this show did an amazing job of showing the realities of living under a daesh state of power. All while doing it without crossing the line and keeping it clean enough for a younger audience. As someone who has actually been there, it is mind-blowing to me that this show is portrayed by other reviewers as wishing to be sympathetic to the recruits. It shows the brutal reality which those in areas under daesh rule face. This show does an amazing job of captivating while educating on the beliefs of daesh and their twisted views of Islam. I am very disappointed in seeing how the masses received this show and hope it doesn't lead to Nat Geo closing the books permanently on the mini-series.
    jpdhadfield Many of the negative reviews of this film, complain it wasn't graphic enough,it was on channel four, public broadcast television, not cable or in the cinema, so their are strict rules on what can or cannot be shown, I think they did a good job, of showing exactly how awful ISIS really are, And how living in that society would be impossible for sane people. the four protagonists were naive in joining, which is shown with one of them bringing a pink wheeled suitcase in stead of a black backpack.I think it was well paced,.dealt with each character equally, i never felt sorry for any of them, but i could see the predicament they were in. There was quite a lot of inferred violence which was enough, there was no need for slasher style violence, a la game of thrones,as other reviewers seemed to want,this film may go along way to deterring other fools from joining. There really haven't been enough programs or films about this subject, hopefully more will follow this
    Arch Undoubtedly, one of the worst TV programmes I have watched in recent times. It is a sanitised and superficial portrayal of 'innocent' young people travelling to the so-called caliphate to fulfill their religious destiny in 2015 (a time when Daesh's atrocities were already known)! There are no back stories, which if accurate would have portrayed the protagonists as consuming violent rhetoric, promises of sexual fulfillment and horrifying videos online as part of their radicalisation before going to Syria to commit, support or facilitate war crimes. We are supposed to believe that inherently decent people would choose to follow a brother to 'martyrdom', to run away from home to marry a random assassin, or to offer medical services to people that brutalise civilians. We are supposed to believe that all the characters were unaware of how violent and cruel IS was going to be, which is an insult to us as viewers, but also to the victims of this death cult. The absurdity peaks in one grotesque storyline where an isis fighter, in order to protect her, buys a Yazidi woman who's husband has disappeared, who's small daughter has been raped and who herself has been raped and tortured by multiple men. She is won over by his 'goodness' and later seduces him in gratitude! The failure of this drama to 'own' the presumptive repulsiveness of the characters' decisions to go to Syria is too great a hurdle and no amount of light portrayals of isis violence later in the series makes up for such a gaping omission or the distortion it creates.
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