The Son
The Son
TV-14 | 08 April 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
    Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
    graves-scott Ok, let me get this off my chest. I don't stare at the TV, hanging on every utterance every glance and every facial expression. So I don't do well with some of these modern directing styles where the viewer has to dedicate themselves to studying the details of each moment of film. Having said that I still think this needed a narrator. I couldn't follow a damn thing until I started reading reviews. Once I did understand what was going on I was even more bored than before. Blech. If you want entertainment, find something else. If you want to study something as if there will be a final on it, you'll love this show.
    Brave-Traveler.asf (Brave_TraveIor) If you're reading this maybe your like me and your late to the party too! For whatever reason I held off on this show. Maybe it's because none of the reviews really sold me or I just simply put it off. HUGE MISTAKE! In hindsight best mistake, because I was just granted the luck of watching the best 8 hours of pure brilliance and all the while I kept asking myself, how is this series not a massive, massive hit! It's like a watching a great old fashion novel. I'm not writing this to tell you what it's about, no I'm writing this to sell you this series like I wish could have been done for me. There's flashbacks to the main character to his earlier years where he's held captive and it reminds me of dances with wolves in essence, and I literally yearn for the Flashbacks. Zahn McClarnon from Fargo season 2, plays an incredible part in the flashbacks as young Eli's captor, but what that relationship becomes is a prize to watch unfold. Both timelines are so fascinating and captivating that each one can have its own TV series! each timelines plot is so stunning and stellar and the way they both intertwine is beautiful. That's the only flaw with this series is I don't want to leave a particular time period because the story is told so richly. When we leave 1850 to return to 1915, I yearn for the earlier time period. It's absolutely riveting and captivating! This series has every key ingredient to mold a masterpiece of a series! pierce brosnan is incredible as well as the additional cast! so prepare yourself for a binging experience like no other! so whatever your doing right now stop and watch The Son! You'll thank me
    Sinamaniac I was enjoying this series until there was a major deviation from the book, which I had read previously. In the book Eli McCullough, the male members of his family, as well as a bunch of Texas Rangers and neighbours (70 in all), in an act of bloodthirsty vengeance, annihilated the whole family of their Mexican neighbours, women and children included - all because they stole a few cattle and wounded his young son. In the TV series it seems the producers and writers decided that this would not do, fearful their predominately American audience who might turn it off if it didn't show Americans in a positive light. I am particularly dismayed with the writer of the book Philipp Meyer, also an Executive Producer of the show, who probably buckled under the pressure of Showtime executives and others who felt they should change this important element of his book. If they had maintained the integrity of the original story they would have had a powerful and uncompromising series. But as it stands it's a disappointing, whitewashed ghost of the original story.
    justincward Visually lush, ambitious docu-soap along the lines of "Boardwalk Empire" set in 1849 and 1915; but no gangsters, just (no offence intended) pesky Injuns and pesky Mexicans. Parallels drawn between the struggles of the 1840's Comanche (who have captured Young Eli), and those of 1915's Old Eli as the Mexicans and the banks try to take his farm away - except his over- acting granddaughter just discovered oil.It's about time! After six episodes, I've seen all the ambushes, bodies, beatings, shootings, torturings I need. How about some PLOT, guys? The outright bad guy, an obviously racist troublemaker, is so two- dimensional that he disappears if he turns sideways. And of course, there's a Magic Black Man. Very slow buildup,and only four episodes of this season left. If there's to be a second, they need to sharpen up.Pierce Brosnan sort of works as the patriarch of the Old Texas farm, but he hasn't quite mastered the accent. And others have pointed out that if as indicated, he was kidnapped 66 years ago he's looking very sprightly for a guy who must be in at least his mid-70's. In 1915 that was OLD.Good to look at - CGI has come along way since Boardwalk Empire. The Son looks a lot more expensive than it must have been, but that's about it. Plot- wise, it's sub-Dynasty. Things happen because the script says they do, not because the characters are driven by anything apart from killing Mexicans or Indians.The Son is probably strongest on its sympathetic, uncompromising depiction of the Comanche, and its staging. It's weakest on everything else.