TV-MA | 19 February 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
    Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
    Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
    Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    Brian S After the first entertaining 10 minutes this degeneratest into a slooowww boring detective mystery. Frankly the only mystery to me is why they made it, obviously they didn't review it afterwards or if they did they also fell asleep watching it ....Quite honestly I just didn't care who did what by half way through and the whole idea that the nazI won the 2nd war seems largely irrelevant.Just a boring un inspired mess. Read the book instead.
    David James I liked man in the Man in the High Castle, although a lot of the time you are spoon fed the concepts and told what's going on more by pointless dialog and not by a simple matter of deduction. SS-GB is nothing like the Man in The High Castle, as far as I'm concerned, that's Sci-Fi and SS-GB is fiction. And I admit that I was put off thinking its UK version of the above and some pretty bad reviews. I should have ignored them, because after watching the first episode I had to binge on the next 2. SS-GB is dark and gritty, it's what I would expect of a UK based crime thriller. No fast car chases .. well there might be later, no 1000 bullet magazines or bar brawls. I could smell the "Big Smoke's", War Time atmosphere because the sets where so convincing. The pace was fine the tension build up was perfect, the dynamics between the characters great. The story and concept are an excellent piece of "What if", so I'm astounded by so much negativity about this series. What I have found is that all my friends over the age of 30 really enjoyed it and it's become a talking point during socialising. However below that age, it seems to need a lot of explanation, as in "Were the SS the German police?" etc., although Sam Riley's character made a good attempt of trying to explain the differences. And all this "Douglas Archer", mumbled a lot, total tosh! Stop watching it on your phone on the tube and appreciate the surround sound and glorious HD on a decent TV.
    pbn-63887 I don't really know what I'm giving 3 for: probably for effort, certainly not for atmosphere or Sam Riley.Riley played a similar part in another mini-series recently, and some casting fool obviously thought his heavy-breathing voice and one- dimensional "look" made him the obvious choice for another leading man role. He's the worst thing about this tedious rubbish: the role calls for an actor with some charisma, and Riley has the same amount of that as he has screen presence - none.The BBC has no excuse either, what with "The Man in the High Tower" as a benchmark. Thank the Lord for a second series of that instead of this dreary nonsense. Len Deighton must be spinning about in his wooden box.
    pjolalor-49580 What if.., ? Drama; yes. The human condition is alive and well! It may be fiction, but it's characters, are real. It could have went further and I certainly would have liked it to. It's refreshing in a day of regurgitated series. The ending will be its final judgment though. I am looking forward to it.