The Real Housewives of New York City
The Real Housewives of New York City
TV-14 | 04 March 2008 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
    Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
    Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
    Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    mtoe-70822 Stupid program with stupid women, and so many stupid people follow the show.
    DonutLover The show could be fun, but Sonia Morgan and her (bi-polar? some kinda crazy? personality disorder for sure) need to show her vagina as often as she can makes this a disgusting show to watch. I have watched most of it for years, but the main theme I see with Sonia is that she has to get drunk and show her vagina. She is like 65 years old but thinks it's SO cute to show her private parts. It's horrible. It makes you feel despair for her daughter, who luckily is kept out of the public eye of this show (thanks to the Dad's protection). Oh to be a daughter and have your mother, your own flesh and blood, presenting herself drunk and bi polar to the world. I think the children of these women should all have a massive therapy fund, and priests or rabbis available to call on at any time of the day/night. All of the women are rotten! The only ones with a soul are Dorinda, Carol and perhaps Betheny.
    ed Carson My mom has watched this everyday and I can tell that she is becoming more mean and she interrupts people and then does not want to hear what anyone else has to say. My mom picks our family apart on everything and can not pull herself away from the TV... she is addicted to this show....I don't know what to do. I feel like she has lost her soul. The shallow world view in the show makes her think that this is what life is all about. Drinking, picking others apart, and fashion and pretty things. I am pleading with my dad to remove BRAVO from the house because these housewives should not be aloud in the house they are not worth any sane persons time. 5 thing my mom could do but does not anymore:1. read 2. art 3. show any interest in her dog or horse 4. try new things 5. complement people (instead she wants all the complements and she picks on everyone else)
    Syl Okay, the reality show premise is five housewives of New York City. Housewives do housework but they have maids and housekeepers to take care of that and nannies and Au pairs to look after their children. I know this is supposed to be the East Coast version of the Real Housewives of Orange County, California. Okay, these five women are pretty shallow, self-indulgent, vain, conceited, and totally in love with themselves. I forgive their husbands who pay the ultimate price of the marriage. They look like fools! The wives don't really need a lot of the luxuries but they have so much money that they have to spend it endlessly on themselves. Of course, there is the charities and fund-raisers but they probably spend more money on the dresses to go to the functions to be seen and heard. I bet there were a thousand or hundreds of eligible housewives. They narrowed it down to those who look like they posed out of swimsuit issues. They are as deep as a shallow pool and are as nearly interesting. I find it incomprehendable when one of the wives makes a snide comment about living in the suburbs. I live in the New Jersey suburbs and I know that many people can't afford to live here neither. There are thousands or millions of us struggling to get by on small paychecks. Maybe Bravo can do a show on the real housewives of New Jersey. They don't have the time to socialize with each other when they are too busy working two or three jobs and chauffeuring their children from place to place. I was appalled by the cost of a purebred dog at $1800.00. Where is PETA? This is an outrage when are thousands of dogs and cats eligible for adoption. The show is just too shallow for me. It's like watching a train wreck.