The Phil Silvers Show
The Phil Silvers Show
TV-PG | 20 September 1955 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
    Cortechba Overrated
    BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
    Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
    william-read-2 Other reviews have highlighted many of the superb elements of writing, casting, direction, acting etc that made "Bilko" an outstanding comedy success that is as funny now as almost 60 years ago when it was first broadcast.One element is rarely mentioned, which has helped Bilko to have a timeless appeal... it appeals to all ages, and is completely lacking in "off colour" gags or any obscenities. Was this realistic? Of course not, in an almost all male Army camp in any country or at any time period. But the strict rules of US television in the 1950s meant that nothing in the slightest bit "doubtful" was permitted; everyone knew this, the writers and the actors, and so Bilko was 100% clean.What a contrast with so many "comedy" shows and performers of the 21st century... whose work is scattered with expletives etc that make them unsuitable for family viewing...and in some cases any viewing at all. We can all be grateful that 1950s US television had these strict rules.. which has permitted Bilko to entertain millions worldwide, and which will continue... hopefully for many decades to come.
    dave-greg As time goes on comedies come and go, some stand up to the test of time and some do not. Both the Brits and the Americans have made their share of funny shows: 'Fawlty Towers', 'Frasier', 'Cheers','The Office' etc, but if one show deserves to be the 'daddy' of all comedies then i think 'The Phil Silvers Show' is it! Just even thinking of Sgt Ernie Bilko makes me smile! Mr Silvers played this character to the max along with the rest of the cast. It still pops up from time to time on British t.v., usually at about 2 'o' clock in the morning or something! But if i'm still up and about i will always watch it, with a beer or two, and laugh my a*s off at the funniest comedy character ever created!
    Furb George Kennedy, in addition to doing a bit part(s) as an MP was in the Army and was assigned as the Technical Advisor to the show. Phil Silvers told the story that one day George told him he was getting out of the army and was thinking of trying acting. Phil encouraged him, and, of course, George went on to win an Acadamy Award for Cool Hand Luke.
    grunsel This show has been running almost non stop on British TV since the fifties, and so it should. Its one of the funniest shows to have come out of the USA and has probably influenced more British comedians than anything else. Made in the days when a real audience actually laughed in the right places, at a razor sharp cast who appeared to love what they were doing.