The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore
The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore
| 19 January 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
    Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
    otherannie I miss this show so much. I CRIED when it went off the air. There is so much horrible stuff going on in the world with racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. and Larry Wilmore gave these issues the weight they deserve while still making me laugh through the tears. I miss him and his crew in my life on a daily basis and curse Comedy Central not giving the show more time to develop an audience. Shame on Comedy Central.
    joey lavigne I am not a fan. Unlike the Daily show (under Noah or Stewart) and Colbert, this show is not very funny. It seems like the correspondents' bits are not very funny (and are repeated ad nauseam). I can't tell you how many times I've seen Grace Para's "Nightly Nightly!" bit. However, this is not the worst part. The show seems to focus exclusively on pushing an agenda and comedy is an afterthought. Every issue becomes a race or gender issue, and if it doesn't fit, Wilmore will stretch the facts to make it fit. I can only imagine that the people that actually enjoy this show enjoy it because it's simply a regurgitation of political views they already have. I highly doubt that the people that are critical of this show are feeling left out or racist (as some have claimed), it's just not funny (and frankly pretty obnoxious). Another issue with this show is the "keep it 100" segment. This is nothing more than an opportunity for Wilmore to pander to his audience. Half of his answers are clearly not true and lack insight, but they're what his audience wants to hear. I suspect that the reason most people watch this show is because they enjoy The Daily Show and @Midnight, but don't feel like changing the channel. I hope that Comedy Central replaces it soon as its audience is less than half of what Colbert had, though when this happens I'm sure it'll just be because "Comedy Central is racist."Tl;dr: I don't like it, it's basically just "that's racist!": the show.
    rb-69623 For the first few episodes it looked like it could be a good replacement. It quickly turned into a show that makes everything a black issue or a social justice issue. Larry Wilmore just appears to be a racist and relies on anything he can get and then proceeds to turn it into a black issue.There's no comedic value and the jokes are boring, it would be even harder to get through it without a laugh track. It's on comedy central and the least funny program they have. The racism also becomes obvious through his guests, which are always black with an occasional white guest to put on the spot.
    tattle-15111 I love this show...and the diversity of voices, panelists and perspectives; as well as the satirical perspective. Though many viewers want to compare with Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report; Larry Wilmore's The Nightly Show stands on its own. By the way, I loved those aforementioned shows...but found them sparkling...but not laugh out loud funny.....The Nightly Show continues in the same vein. Larry Wilmore has an enviable television resume as a writer and producer. This program definitely has a audience that is not interested or impressed by solely A list celebrity who appear only to promote their new projects. I do wish the show would bring back the 'Keeping It 100' segment.