The Michael J. Fox Show
The Michael J. Fox Show
| 26 September 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Wordiezett So much average
    Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
    Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
    Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
    donpatters I have always been a Michael J. Fox fan - loved him even on The Good Wife - however - this show really sucks. Mike is awful in this role and the other characters are all highly forgettable.... As I tried watching the second show, I found that I had completely dismissed whatever happened on the first show. And I don't even see an attempt at any real continuity on the part of the script context. Am I missing something? If I am missing something, it is no great loss because I definitely do not plan on continuing to watch the show. Sean Saves the World is also mediocre, but not as completely boring as Mike's show. Too bad, a better script for Mike and better supporting characters might have done something for NBC - but it's not happening !!
    obiwayne First, it's not horrible.I'm sure there are people who like this sitcom and it makes them laugh. Humor is subjective and I appreciate that.I love Arrested Development and Parks & Recreation, but a lot of people don't.I do not like HIMYM or Big Bang Theory, but a lot more people do.This show is somewhere in the middle for me. I prefer a single camera sitcom and some of the jokes/story lines really are on the edge of good. Unfortunately, the rest seems like your standard overt set up to punch line that is far too easy to predict. The interview segments have been done to death at this point and should be forbidden in any new sitcoms for at least 7 years.I do like MJF and think he is easily the most likable aspect of the show. On the flip side, the sister in law is a pointless addition and should be done away with immediately.I also wish they would focus more on MJF going back to work. There is so much comedy potential in him out and about doing interviews with people on the street that it's a shame they are focusing on the family more than the workplace.It's too bad, because I really wanted to like this. I just can't see looking forward to sitting down to this to be given the same tired formula I could get anywhere else.
    Chandru Bhojwani It was over a decade ago when Michael J. Fox stepped away from headlining Spin City and entertainment in general. Sure he had stints in shows such as Scrubs and Boston Legal but it wasn't till 2013 when he took the lead and starred in his own Michael J. Fox Show.The comedy based on his life documents the family life and comeback of a news presenter who stepped away owing to Parkinsons Disease. Fox doesn't shy away from his affliction and instead highlights it by mocking it happily. It's like a fat kid telling fat jokes and you have to think it's acceptable if he/she does it because, well they're fat. Wendell Pierce flexes his comedic muscle (the guy is everywhere!) and shares an enjoyable chemistry with Fox while Betsy Brandt compliments him as he's lovable and laid back wife. in 1982 the family comedy, Family Ties is what gave Fox his big break and it's poetic that it's the same genre that's brought him back. It's not the funniest show out there but it is more entertaining and funnier than most and to be honest, with Michael J. Fox back on our screens, the land of television and entertainment are better for it. The Michael J. Fox show is a comedy enjoyable for the entire family.
    MovieAddict2016 "The Michael J. Fox Show" is about as generic a sitcom as its title. It sucks to admit this, since Michael J. Fox is such a likable talent, and solely on the basis of his returning to television, I *wanted* to like this new show -- but it just isn't that great, and barring a huge revamp of its approach, I doubt there will be much room for improvement.It is a modern sitcom, which is to say it has been inspired by Modern Family with its talking head interviews, which don't flow very naturally with the procession of the storyline.Obviously there's no dismissing the elephant in the room, which is Fox's battle with Parkinson's Disease, but...the show goes the opposite route, by embracing it and poking fun at it a little too much. We're supposed to feel comfortable with the sitcom put-downs and quips at his expense because he's cool with it, but that doesn't make them any less uncomfortable, to be totally honest. Honestly, they'd have been better having a couple jokes in the beginning of the episode, then moving on. Instead, they've worked the entire NARRATIVE of the show around his disease -- his character, Mike Henry, is a hugely famous broadcaster who had to quit at the peak of his career due to his Parkinson's struggles. Sound familiar?The show keeps beating you over the head with this, which, I guess, I could put up with more, if the supporting cast - and writing - compensated. Neither does. From the promiscuous aunt character to the precocious teenager, these are all tired caricatures and none of them quite feel real.Perhaps most disappointing is that in struggling to overcome all these obstacles he's faced with, Michael J. Fox isn't even given much to work with. He carried Spin City with his easy charm, but with this program he's basically the brunt of a lot of jokes about his physical ailment and playing an exasperated dad whose family is constantly ribbing him -- it's just not that funny or amusing.I hope it improves, but frankly, they'd have to revamp the whole show and its format, I think, to overcome these problems. I'd be very surprised if this lasts beyond a single season.
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