The Legend of Bruce Lee
The Legend of Bruce Lee
TV-PG | 04 October 2008 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    GamerTab That was an excellent one.
    ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    kemper-keith I have to say after watching this, it puts every movie ever done on him to shame in so many ways. I watched this as to see it as a mini movie not a tv series and I have to say Chan than plays Bruce is uncanny to say the least. His wife in the series is also uncanny I saw a pic of her as of 2018 and she looks just like her older. However I noticed that the director and producer of this series did not take notice that people were on their cell phones in the backround and that should have been noticed because when Bruce was alive in the 70s there were no cell phones. A point to pay attention to when you are making a series about someones life based on the correct year it is made.
    vip_upad Thoroughly enjoyed this series. There are definitely some historical inaccuracies, particularly to how he got his injuries that lead to paralysis. However it really gives the viewer the essence of Bruce Lee's character, his affinity to learn & develop, his philosophy of life and his amazing work ethic. It's low budget at $6.4 million so forgive occasional mishaps-However the actor who plays Bruce Lee is absolutely amazing-a big mistake not to have used him in the latest Hollywood blockbuster but glad he did not-as that is full of too many historical mistakes. You will have to read subtitles though but that will mean you will have to respect Bruce Lee Li Xiao Long is of Hong Kong origin. For an intimate understanding of what drove Bruce Lee's genius this series is a must. I watched all 50 episodes on Netflix and loved it !!!!
    Aliyen I'm a big Bruce Lee fan, own a few of his biographies, and have read a lot about his life on the Internet. Judging by some of the past reviews, I know this series is not going to please the die-hard fanatics who insist that every facet of his life be represented accurately on the screen. Most hardcore Lee fans know, for instance, that Bruce Lee was injured in the gym in 1970, not in the Wong Jack Man fight as portrayed in this series.However, despite many historical inaccuracies, this is still a great and watchable drama. I feel like if I want to learn more about Bruce Lee's actual life, then I'll stick to firsthand sources like Leo Fong and Linda Lee. But if I want to be entertained by a series which features very skilled acting, directing, incredible pacing (each episode focuses on a small event in the fictional Bruce Lee's life and gives appropriate time to each of these segments), this is not the worst show for that.
    ViolentRhapsody Despite this series having Bruce Lee's daughter, Shannon Lee, at the helm as executive producer it suffers from the same embellished melodrama and historical inaccuracies that other Bruce Lee bio-pics have been plagued with.This is understandable since Chinese productions are notorious with playing loose with the actual facts. The Donnie Yen "Ip Man" series of movies is a prime example of artistic license.Chinese films have always been jingoistic and xenophobic, often villainizing other cultures as being evil invaders, as a means of elevating the Chinese hero in the movie who inevitably and selflessly fights the "foreign devils" for the right of the oppressed Chinese - - which is a bit ironic considering in the last 100 years, the Chinese are possibly the most pervasive cultures to globally migrate to other countries using the affluence of commerce and business as the means rather than military force. Just sayin'.Hollywood is not any better with their highly embellished, Dragon: A Bruce Lee Story. A more apt title would have been A Bruce Lee Fable!It's understandable because real life is much more boring than real life. From everything I have read on Bruce Lee, his life was not as fantastic as that portrayed in this and other films. He did not get into even half the fights and confrontations portrayed in this movie, he faced more institutionalized racism (lack of opportunities) than outward racism, he injured himself lifting weights (as another poster has mentioned), had a bad temper, but otherwise was a hard working, ambitious guy...not exactly enough for a Hollywood or Asiawood movie I suppose.The danger to these over dramatized events of his life is that subsequent generations learning about Bruce Lee take them as fact and it really distorts the real life of Bruce Lee and his accomplishments.I hate to say this but the most accurate portrayal of Bruce Lee might still be the 1976 exploitation movie, Bruce Lee The Man The Myth...and that's not saying much.
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