The Island
The Island
TV-PG | 25 May 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    SunnyHello Nice effects though.
    Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
    Tom Alexander Having watched both the UK and now US versions of this show, I'm struggling to contain my irritation at some of the comments written here. The "reviews" slating Bear Grylls ' latest show, in which a motley crew of average Americans are marooned on a tiny tropical island for a month with the simple goal of trying to survive, completely miss the point. They complain about the "wussy" participants, who are plunged into the most inhospitable of environments, battling real thirst, starvation and all manner of injuries and ailments, lauding them for displaying highly understandable signs of stress and physical and mental fatigue. It's at times like this I wish I could magically pluck those keyboard warriors from their parents' basements and place them in that unforgiving environment, and see how long they last before they fall apart at the seams. Give this show a try - it's the closest I've seen to a genuine reality show (the participants are genuinely alone and film themselves) - and although some things have obviously been done to give the cast a helping hand (fresh water deposits, the odd farm pig conveniently found), the show doesn't hide the fact that they had to ensure survival was actually possible.
    SnoopyStyle Bear Grylls drops fourteen ordinary American men on a deserted tropical island. They are given limited supplies. There are no crew as the men themselves do the filming. There is no prize money. There is no voting. The first problem and probably the most compelling danger is the shortage of drinkable water. Some may laugh at the guys losing the water they're given but people make idiotic mistakes all the time. On an island surrounded by sea water, the lack of drinkable water is the most immediate danger.Most of these guys are out of their elements. They make all kinds of easy mistakes. They caught a pig that looks suspiciously domesticated although they also got a caiman which is impressive. A few of the men are obvious camera people from previous TV productions like this. After the early dangers, there are some minor conflicts of personalities which don't interest me that much. Without a task, a couple of the guys ended up waiting out the 28 days. It seems like others are pushing the conflict agenda simply to spice up the entertainment. It's six episodes and first couple are quite compelling as they struggle to find water. The rest of the show isn't as compelling. It's a short six episodes but even that is too long. I don't see this show continuing unless Bear can come up with some tasks for the contestants.
    cassidyorme I'm really sad that the amazing Bear Grylls is hosting this show... these people are pathetic.. they talk more than they do.. two episodes in and two people are already gone.. two people couldn't make it two days hahaha its basically showing the world how pathetic the average American male is.. they are privileged worthless idiots.. they know they are going to be there for a month and maybe thats why they are so lackadaisical... seriously its obvious that none of these people have seen even one episode of man vs. wild, I haven't watched the show in years but if i was dropped on an island alone i would survive better than this group of utter us all a favor nbc and cancel the show..
    atlasmb "The Island" is a new show by NBC, featuring Bear Grylls as the host, doing occasional commentary.Fourteen men are dropped on an isolated island with the intent of surviving thirty days using their wits and abilities. These are not survival specialists. Four of them are cameramen who will document the adventure.I guess the first question is why are they doing this? There is no million dollar prize at the end. It's not a contest, except in the sense that it's man against nature. From the beginning, it's clear that nature holds all the cards. These men have chosen to test their mettle. What better way to do that than "in the destructive element immerse" (from "Lord Jim" by Joseph Conrad).Due to posts about other related shows, I wondered how true this show would be. Or would there be numerous interferences from the producers to modify the narrative? After watching the first two episodes--with their medical emergencies and their real depictions of imminent death experiences--it is clear that the viewer is watching a true story unfold. Evacuations are necessary when dangerous health risks occur, but otherwise the men are on their own.This show is probably not for everyone. The participants undergo tremendous stresses, which cause breakdowns in personalities and the social niceties, revealing basic truths about human nature and the relationship between mind and body.