The Frank Skinner Show
The Frank Skinner Show
| 10 September 1995 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
    NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    Sulla-2 Coming from the same part of the UK as Frank Skinner, I really appreciate his humour. Frank is proud of his local heritage, being a famous fan of West Bromwich Albion and a Freeman of his local town. I will not comment on the format of the show other to say that it works. I particularly like the stand up routine and the sketches. On one show Frank made fun of false child abuse accusations made against Matthew Kelly. When Kelly came on the show as a guest, he questioned Frank about the matter. It did make riveting television but Frank defended himself quite well. This programme has now been going for 10 years and repeats are on the cable channels all the time. Long may it continue.
    Theo Robertson This is one of a select few British shows that have started on BBC television then switched to the commercial ITV channel . THIS IS YOUR LIFE , TILL DEATH US DO PART , THE BENNY HILL SHOW and QUATERMASS have all done this , though both THIS IS YOUR LIFE and TILL DEATH US DO PART did switch back to the BBC . Interesting trivia point there Frank Skinner shows he`s a very witty guy in a chat show that`s great fun to watch . Frank starts by singing the " Fun loving Frankie " signature song then makes a few wisecracks about the week`s news and sometimes might chat to an audience member :" You`re smartly dressed . Did you come straight from work ? " " I don`t know about straight but I`ve just finished work " The guests are always excellent and enjoy letting Skinner`s humour shine . One week world heavyweight boxing champion Lennox Lewis was discussing his victory over Oliver McCall " He called himself the atomic bull - and he was full of that " piped Skinner But I reckon the best guest was Sean Bean . Bean is a very good actor but he`s even better as a chat show guest because he`s - well how can I put it kindly ? - not the sharpest card in the pack . He keeps having an attack of the giggles which leads me to think he`s the male equivalent of a bimbo . Bean was discussing his role as Boromir in THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING ( A role Bean played flawlessly in my opinion ) and in a blatant display of product placement Skinner started showing Bean some merchandise from the film: A Boromir doll which didn`t exactly resemble the character in the film , a Legolas Greenleaf doll that could fire an arrow , and some " Middle Earth ale " that Bean was invited to sample . So Bean was sipping away at the ale and asked :" How much does this cost then ? " " Ten quid a pint " Bean gave a shocked look , took another sip of the ale then exclaimed " F****** ` ell " Here`s hoping Boromir becomes a regular on chat shows . I`ll drink to that
    gfjones Frank Skinner has been a popular stand-up comedian in the UK for some years, but probably became more widely known as a TV presenter on Fantasy Football League and Baddiel And Skinner...Unplanned. What started as a rather dodgy chat show some 7 years ago (Frank was no natural interviewer, but got better with practice!) has become a must watch show in the UK. Mixing his witty stand-up routines with star interviews (Britney Spears for example) and even singing his own theme song (Fun Time Frankie) the show has gone from cult viewing to must watch TV - who can forgot the Tara Palmer Tomkinson interview? So, well done Frank....just a shame about the Brit Awards :)
    xrak83 This English talkshow is actually quite funny. Of course i was watching this at 2am so i hope i wasn't drunk or just plain out of it. Though there are a lot of references to British pop culture and such i understood pretty much everything they talked about. The guests are interesting people (which makes this show unique), as opposed to most of the annoying celebrities found on David Letterman or Jay Leno. Frank Skinner is a really funny guy. If you get the chance take a look at it.