The Fighter & The Kid
The Fighter & The Kid
| 03 May 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
    orlandoflores-84863 I am a fan of the fighter and the kid podcast. Bryan is a talented actor and comedian. Brendan was a good fighter and has made big strides in the entertainment business. I want to get the 3D show since the beginning but waited for it to be on iTunes. the trailers I had seen gave the show to be funny and witty. I am sorry to say this, but it was a huge let. There were funny scenes here and their but not enough for me to consider this a funny 12 episode comedy show. I bought this show because Bryan and Brendan are funny on the podcast. Bryan has said this is some of the most funniest writing he has done. He has to be lying to himself, because down deep inside he must know this is not funny. So for who ever watches this before listening to the podcast, don't be fooled. They are hilarious on the fighter and the kid podcast.
    Lancaster_Dodd As somebody who doesn't listen to Brandon Schaub and Bryan Callen's podcast, this project does nothing for me. The episode "Sitcom" in which they rip off Charlie Kaufman, Mr. Show, and even The Matrix in under 5 minutes best sums up why this doesn't work. They deride conventional formulas without realizing that you can't experiment until you're comfortable with the basics. No amount of untimely movie references or over the top fever dream sequences can change that this feels amateur and passionless. Callen's acting is rather campy which at least offers something better than Brandon's insecure middle-school-play performances. I will say the production value is better than expected. That FOX money made this look a lot better than Youtube sketch comedy of this caliber ever should. Maybe check it out if you're a fan of their podcast. Otherwise, I'd recommend some of Mitch Rouse's more serious work, especially Strangers with Candy.