Dark Shadows
Dark Shadows
TV-PG | 13 January 1991 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    VividSimon Simply Perfect
    GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
    Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
    tyrssen I was one of those junior-high school kids that would race home, fast as lightning, to see the original "Dark Shadows" when it came on at 3:30. Decades later, when this adaptation appeared, I must admit I was still comparing it to the original, rather critically.But watching it now, with a new (and possibly dreadful) film version coming out, I see what I missed back then: that this one is infinitely superior to the original.True, Ben Cross had some large shoes to fill; but he did it so well, and the photography was dynamite, especially when they'd fade out, until the pin-point light in his eyes was the last thing you'd see.As I say, I await the new one with some trepidation; I hear it's been "comedy-ized," and that could be horrible. Will it turn out to be a worthy homage? This one certainly was. Looks like Johnny Depp will also have some large shoes to fill.
    Tina Thomas This 12 episode series had a stellar cast, great writing and directing, etc...Ben Cross was the PERFECT lead for this series. One minute he made women want to take care of him and such and the next minute he pushed Barnabas close enough to the cataract that the audience might have wanted to cuff him one upside the head for it! He portrayed his emotional extremes rather well and made that character his own-PERIOD!The chemistry with Joanna Going was great, but I think if they went on longer with the actual story line, he'd have sunken into an abyss when she departed Collinsport for good--if the original story line was followed. Lysette Anthony made Angelique the diabolical, psychotic bitch she was supposed to be and I was really hoping to get to see someone with a sense of justice really kick her backside when it was said and done! I was really angry that the end of the original series had Barnabas actually declaring his "love" for her when in real life, she would have been loathed rather than loved for what she did to that man and his family over time, and I think Curtis would have fixed that story line. I loved Jeanne Simmons and Roy Thinnes! They captured their roles perfectly also.In the short time this series was aired, Ben Cross showed enough of his mettle that he raised the bar too high for anyone to follow-- including Johnny Depp. The best advice Dan Curtis gave to Ben: "Go ahead,Ben. Do your Hamlet." and it bloody well worked, too! I almost got tossed over the cataract watching some of those scenes. That is exactly how an actor should bring out a character--enough to either make and audience love him or her OR enough to make that audience want to kick his or her backside! Believe me that when I say that there are times when I vacillated between both emotions and it doesn't happen with me very often.Hollywood REALLY needs to use Cross a bit more. HE can still pull this stuff off no matter what he plays! After reading the Helena Bonham Carter interview regarding the story line, I am convinced that Tim Burton is going to toy with the fan's too much by monkeying with the story line too much. This version will always be the best there was as far as the remakes go.
    MessageDianne This series is AMAZING. Ben Cross and Joanna Going are both superb. I remember this on TV when I was 10 years old. I never saw the ending and all these years I never forgot about it and always wanted to see the outcome of the show. Now, 16 years later, remembering how good it was, I found the 3 disc series on my online rental database and watched it all over again. I wish this show would have been bigger and gotten more awards. It certainly deserves it and the story hooks you from the first second to the last episode. My only complaint is the last episode doesn't really leave you with closure but instead leaves questions unanswered and the outcome of the story very vague. But still, it's so worth watching.As far as one of the actors, after watching her performance, Joanna Going should be a Hollywood Leading Lady on the big screen. She's so beautiful and talented and has an amazing presence on film.
    paul brooks Hi my name is Paul Martin Brooks, this was a great experience for me to work on this show as a Stand-In, at Greystone Mansion. It was a very scary place to work at, and while we were filming the show, the crew turned off a candle at the far east side of the mansion. Then saw a light flickering in a room and noticed that the candle was re-lit. He came running down the stairs and told us. It is a very awesome place though, if you have the chance to see it, please do. The set and people and the Producers that worked on the show were great. Even though you see all the cameras and crew, it is still very scary. Myself and the crew that worked there had all different types of experience's.